Shao Ping

I panicked, thinking this was season 2 and it only got a B. It's by far my favorite TV show despite it not being finished and I worry about it declining. Luckily, the review is for the American version and the brief shots from the promos for season 2 look amazing.

Two of the songs are up on Youtube. Stay with Me in particular is quite good (and much better than the original, though I'm not a huge Sinatra fan).

Re: The Four Noble Truths.

Definitely seems like Ali vs. Foreman. Samaritan thinks it is flexing its muscle, but so far its blows haven't really connected, its largely tipped its hand, and one wonders how long its human agents will remain loyal.

Apologies for going back on my word and I should insert a trigger-warning.

Why stop at his trenchcoat?

Or read the column carefully.

This is much too late of a reply, but over the last year or so I've started to read a lot of Christopher Priest books and love them all.

Ta-Nehisi Coates agrees.

"Because we all know that's never the case."

I thought they were, but then decided I must have been confused. Maybe I wasn't?

I think Pollux, not Castor, is normally thought of as Zeus' son, but like most Greek myths, there are variants.

Amelia is the black woman who was Sarah's (and Helena's) birth mother. And it is Project Leda, as in Leda and the swan.

Just a quick thanks for pushing back on vegans, as opposed to omnivores, never shutting up. Especially because omnivores tend to have the same rather smug and lame jokes (PETA=People Eating Tasty Animals). It's pretty annoying. I'm sure there are evangelizing vegans (though I've met, at most, one), but not nearly as

To me she is like Scarlett Johansson: she may not be a great actress but she picks great projects. Glau has been good on Firefly, Dollhouse, Alphas, and now this so if she's in something, I'm generally excited about it. Not so much to see her (though I like her a lot) but because I trust her choices.

"I feel like in order to properly review a tv show/ movie you should go in with an open mind so I don't have to sit here for five minutes reading your pointless overly biased reviews."

Here enjoying Sonia's thoughtful responses to an apparently thoughtless show.