Shao Ping

If you haven't seen Gozu, Sukiyaki Western Django, Zebraman 2 or The Happiness of the Katakuris you're missing out. The first is a wonderfully surreal film (with one of my favorite movie endings), the second is a joyous mish-mash of samurai films and westerns (though it helps to be familiar with Shakespeare and The

I would also add in the same director's The Hidden Blade (and Love and Honor isn't bad either though not as good as the other two).

You won't regret it! It's amazing.

Not only are some of his movies, like "Buckets of Blood," great, if you think of all the careers he's influenced and helped get started—Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, John Sayles, and many more—I think a good case can be made that he's the most influential American filmmaker.

I used to work there when I was in grad school before it closed. That it is back in business pleases me to no end.

I'll confess to be baffled as to why anyone would be disappointed. Why does it matter how the dead came back to life? Any answer will just be made up and applicable only in the imaginary world of The Returned. It's trivia. What matters is what it means that the dead have returned. And that the show has done very well,

"I'm A_Dog_Without_A_Clutch so I think that my insights into Mr. Orwell have a great deal of validity. 1984 was a critique of Stalinist Russia and not a critique about the movement of various human societies towards authoritarian regimes."

Just wanted to say these have been some of my favorite recaps and I've really enjoyed reading and thinking about them even if I haven't contributed much to the discussion.

I can't wait for the clip show!

Let's hope they never feature penises the way Game of Thrones does.

Laure's attempt to escape reminded me of the end of Dellamorte Dellamore ("Of Death, Of Love")—which wouldn't be a bad alternate title for the series.

A+ since it is my favorite TV show and I am completely unable to give it an objective grade.

This comment is only to assuage my guilt at not posting or following along rewatching the series. I'm really enjoying the coverage and hope it continues when the series resumes.

So that's how you keep it up for so long!

Do we have to wait until May?

Does anyone know much about police surveillance in France? I understand it is an issue, according to this article from 2007 there were 340,000 cameras in France and that after the London bombings they wanted to increase the number significantly. Also, here is a more recent article that focuses on Paris and, more

Personally, I'm watching it as a character study and an examination of death. I sort of hope nothing gets explained.

It may not be completely unrelated. I think in each episode something odd (and rather creepy) has happened with the water. In this episode it was the toilets and sinks at the Lake Pub being backed up and the cockroach coming out of the sink. And while the dam bit is rather amusing, I imagine if the dam did have