Yes, somehow she survived the fire (after all, no bodies were found in it). And apparently like all the returned, she seemed to be quite hungry.
Yes, somehow she survived the fire (after all, no bodies were found in it). And apparently like all the returned, she seemed to be quite hungry.
Yeah, I think it was hence the "I guess." It's been disrupted in any case though.
SORT OF SPOILERY BUT NOT REALLY I HOPE: You have some clues, but it isn't obvious and you'll learn more later.
I think claiming the living have moved on is a partial truth. Many of those who have returned have returned to people who still miss them and perhaps think they want them back: Mr. Costa apparently never remarried so perhaps was always grieving for his wife, Camille's parents at least greet her return as a miracle…
I actually really liked Adelle's reaction since, as @johnhelvete:disqus points out, it is so different from the reaction of Camille's family. Part of what I love about this show is that each of the returned has a different welcome from the people who they are returning to. And I loved how the priest's advice to…
Can't give answers to everything, but here's the best I can do:
As is probably clear by now, one aspect of the returned is that they can't remember how they died. I love this because death brings a completeness to someone's life: they are who they were. The living, in contrast, not only can continue to change, but their past acquires new meaning depending on what they do. What at…
Did you sign up for "Les Revenants" instead of "The Returned"? That's what I did, and consequently I didn't receive a notice either.
That's a wonderful observation. Thanks.
Burke is often considered to be pro-America and anti-imperialist. See his Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies and his Speech on Fox's East India Bill.
Considering the guy in charge is a championship sandcastle artist and a disco trooper, I have no idea how he could possibly still be single.
Isn't the real news that Lady Gaga loves Solaris?
Well, since Card advocates overthrowing the government if it supports gay marriage and thinks homosexuality should be illegal—both actions which would harm a great number of people—, then not tolerating Card should be easy.
@avclub-92cf72685514221c79c830bfcd4aac4e:disqus I suspect you're talking about matters you don't understand, hence your talk of people being born without a clear gender and your confused and ignorant remarks about chromosomes and gender. That's ok—I doubt it's an area in which you are active (politically or…
Considering how eager most grad students are to get drunk, this seems like a huge missed opportunity and pretty much negates the appeal of Drunk History.
@avclub-570170146218082d2ca2544d57a48f1e:disqus ,@avclub-e1124c85b8750ec73766ed905c3ff2b2:disqus : Card seems to think that divorce should be taboo. For him, marriage should be "Faithful sexual monogamy, persistence until death, male protection and providence for wife and children, female loyalty to children and…
There is no basis in the essay to show that he is talking about people without a clear gender since the entire essay is against homosexual marriage. And given how idiotic and uninformed the entire essay is, he seems unlikely to be making any fine points about transpeople (which I'm guessing you mean by saying that…
Heck, in many ways bad CGI is better than good CGI. Certainly it is often more entertaining.
Guess you should have posted as AnotherNicoleKrauss.
I like Kenneth Branagh and all, but shouldn't this be a Tarantino film?