It's called Slaughterhouse. Can't wait.
It's called Slaughterhouse. Can't wait.
words that almost came to my lips.
If that point comes, I think it will be breaking…bad.
He was really frustrated not at the call, but at the fact he couldn't get them out of the phone. It drove him to Oxy.
I will never say "Good night" again. I will always make my hand into a strange puppet and make it say "Night night" from now on.
That's what I've been thinking for a while. As far as big bads go, I think Quarles has the greatest chance of death by season's end, followed by Boyd, then Limehouse. Don't rule Boyd out, he's not out of the woods yet.
How about Duffy for line of the night? "Mr. Quarles, how long have you been taking those?" Like an annoyed mom.
Methinks the map Quarles took from Napier's office is going to play a role. And every scene Quarles was in was the best scene tonight. And finally, after a long absence, Dickie is back. Please God don't…
My brother turned to me right after that and said, "What the hell did I just watch?" I said, "I'm not sure, but I loved it."
Best show on TV.
Loved the episode, very little Boyd though. The show is setting him up to be an underdog (in jail, backing Shelby against the powerful Napier, against an alliance of Quarles and Limehouse) but typically that is where Boyd is at his best. Excited to see how he handles it.
the last episode of the season is…
I was blown away by that line. I think somebody got a little Quarles in my Wynn Duffy.
…That didn't come out right.
Potential loose end that I don't think has been mentioned yet: has Limehouse decided to do something with Arlo for his own ends? We saw a shot of one of his men asking what he wanted to do with Arlo and then Limehouse just smiling; think anything's going on there?
Yeah, I get the feeling that race is going to come into play at some point as well, especially after Limehouse's soliloquy about what might happen with the hillbilly folk should they start taking out the law.
I believe that round Raylan dropped on Duffy's chest is going to come back to haunt him next week. And we're in for one hell of a season finale, with all the chess pieces Boyd, Quarles and Limehouse are shifting around.
I fucking love this show.
Oh he scurred. It's nice because in Seasons 1 and 2 Duffy was that guy who sewed faces onto soccer balls, now he can see that he's totally out of his league with Quarles around using his human stress ball tied up in the bedroom. Better get back to watching women's tennis, Duffy.
When I heard Art say "El Paso" I was sure it was Tim going off to start that cult in Mexico he teased us with last season.
I saw an interview somewhere that later on down the line this will reveal something about Quarles' character, and that it isn't the homeowner. Hope that helps.
Even though I think it was the worst episode of the season, it was good nonetheless, which speaks to the strength of Justified. The use of Tanner by Barnes was way too confusing for me (maybe it was just me); he does work for Quarles, right? So why did he work for Barnes?
The ending, as I've ranted about already on…
Hear hear, it sucked. "Let's play happy, he-got-away-with-it music as he flips the bird to America and lives on a beach!" Not so fast, writers, you're fantastic enough to be able for me to tell you when your ending is awful.
Have to respectfully disagree; still a good episode but, in my opinion, the weakest of the season. The ending was especially awful.