Alex Rogan

What about A.G. Pennypacker and Dr. Von Nostran? Or Fragile Frankie Merman? Jake Jarmel? Ping?

Did you accuse me of being improper? I say again, was I the one whom is acting improper? I will form you that I believe it is actually THIS tribunal that is improper.

We can go all week…..

Speaking candidly, Scarlett, I cannot at this time state that I am interested in that topic with any conviction.

Charlie, those gentlemen have removed my opposable digit without permission.

I am an incomplete person without the addition of you.

Please indicate the money's location!

Help me help you.

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I've been experiencing a lot of back slashes when discussing the office, but that's because I have big fingers and always hit the key when going for return./

You've got a typo there. You wrote "where" when you meant "when."

This will sound totally ridiculous, but I would like this show more if there weren't ANY SINGING. I'm sorry, I just hate musicals. JUST SAY IT!!!!! Why do you have to effing sing?!

She's great in Weekend at Bernie's! Who else could win the heart of Jonathon Silverman?

Sho 'nuff.

But VH1 is the Banana Republic to MTV's Gap!

Let's not forget X-Wings, Tron lightcycles, and horses. The only time my bike was ACTUALLY a bike was during my brief obsession with the movie, "Rad."

These guys weren't trainees. They were already established Fighter Pilots chosen to be part of the "elite."

The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room.
If I hadn't seen this movie when I was 6, I never would have thought of my bike as an F-14A Tomcat and my driveway as an aircraft carrier.

How about Pot as a hallucinogen?
I hate how movies and TV always depict somebody who "accidentally" gets stoned and suddenly starts seeing inanimate objects or animals talking to them. Then the walls melt, the whole world becomes a cartoon, and the person reaches enters another dimension.

See. that's my point. Everybody acts as if you simply MUST love Dazed and Confused. I'm sorry, but I don't and never did. This alienated me then, and it will alienate me now.