Sarah Palin Nude

I don't think Don Johnson can lose that pass. If there is one thing the man is committed to it's misogyny. Both on film and real life.

My favorite Don Johnson story
Don Johnson walks into a porno store, picks out a few videos, and walks up to the counter. It's all gay porn involving cops and firemen. He tells the clerk that he's Don Johnson from the teevee and he wants to rent gay porn.

Realistic is probably the last word i would use to describe this subgenre of Japanese cinema. It's very Japanese and very stupid. Due to the Sheen notariety the Guinea Pig series is one of the most well known but it's also one of the lamest. I'm no novice to either film or drug culture but I can't even imagine how

I've always loved and respected Sheen for his involvement in one of my favorite Hollywood stories ever. In the middle of some insane drug filled party he stumbles into a room where people are watching a slasher movie. Out of his mind and out of touch with reality as he is he decides to call the FBI and report that

Ultimately the show lacks substance. If you're an avid tv viewer that wouldn't be a problem but it doesn't attempt to be mindless entertainment—it's fucking depressing. One of the characters on the show is just supposed to be a realistic portrayal of a guy suffering from depression. He doesn't really integrate in a

i thought he looked like frank zappa

money and coke will get you girls but girls wont nessecarily get you money and coke. remember this my brothers and always stay strong.