
I saw and enjoyed this movie. But just once I wanted to hear Garriott say, I am the luckiest man alive. 

Not so…
The first two episodes of this show had flashes of genius. This third episode was shite.

When she talked about being "Danny" it made me wonder if she's thinking of buying part of Ted's business. She already knows the finances.

I think at some point Walt Jr. has to get caught trying the blue meth. This would bring it all home for Walt Sr.

To add to Kermo's post, I think Walt was experiencing his own kind of performance anxiety knowing what would happen if he failed to deliver. Not only could he not sleep, but he couldn't even get himself to start cooking. Everything else, cleaning the equipment, going over the production numbers and even killing a

btjunkie is church.

Walt's new assistant set up the lab for him. He too is a chemistry geek.

Divorce Papers
Can anyone tell me if something happened in Season 2 that lead Skyler to believe Walt was a drug dealer? When she handed Walt the divorce papers, I believe she said something to the effect of him having more money than he should have had - made me wonder if this was related to the divorce lawyer's