
It's not AV Club house style to fire people for blunders.

Yo, duh.

The capital T stands for Testicle Monster.

They were just enjoying their Constitutionally-protected right to guzzle their own freedom flow, ya pinko puke.

Nonsense. LBJ was opposed to Goldwater.

Who can forget the iconic theme song by Cole Porter?

It's-a me! Valentino!

More nudity? People are still getting over seeing Alice Eve in her skivvies; goodness knows the chaos that would have ensued if we'd seen her Lucy van Pelt.

SIMON: "There's a famous saying: Like schoolboys, Rieslings are best enjoyed young."
OFF CAMERA: "That's 'school days'…"
SIMON: "What? Yes."

Her vagina will reprise its role as "the box" from Mulholland Drive.

I'm still mad that the key grip wasn't tight enough.

I bent with my Wookiee.

Fifty Galactic credits says that it's called "telejizz wailing".

Surely the money you could earn with that handle would cover the price of a one-bedroom walk-up in an okay neighbourhood.

Another Coen reference, which may well have been cited elsewhere in the 1500+ comments: Betsy's vision of the future was framed and narrated pretty mush identically to H.I.'s vision of the future in Raising Arizona.

That's the best thing ever, and will only serve to intensify my utterly pointless crush on Sue Perkins.

"I love you!'

If you take the mediocre Fred Armisen and the mediocre Rob Schneider and merge their names, you get the terrific Fred Schneider… who should have been invited to sing "Rock Lobster" with S-K in the first place. We're through the looking glass, people.

On Pissy Entitled Theatre
Three Thousand!

I love Frank like he's made out of candy, but bitterness is not exactly out-of-character for him.