What a bunch of Deceptaclowns.
What a bunch of Deceptaclowns.
And we don't need no steenking Bay jizz.
Your colleague sounds like a rude, thoughtless little pig.
♪♫ I'm hooked on a feeling! ♪♫
I gotta go milk some venom, if you know what I mean.
Nonsense. Beetlejuice was entertaining.
This movie looks shitty, with the accoutrement of being pointless.
Unfortunately, the horse from the opening credits had a brief guest arc on Luck, so he won't be back.
Take it from me - I love you.
Hey, I want to see Jim Beaver's ass as much as the next person, but there's got to be a less precious way to get there.
You know nothing, Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I didn't get a reply when I suggested they could just air Best of Both Worlds as a cheap alternative.
Then why didn't HBO pony up more dough to make things safer? I bridle at the suggestion that this was somehow Milch's fault alone. He seems to get saddled with the blame.
It is weird that they turned down his new show, if there aren't too many pilots jockeying for position on the schedule.
Milch, Mann, Hoffman - I mean, it was a thoroughbred production.
I know the stories about Luck were pretty shocking, but I think it's time to move on. Otherwise, we're just flogging a dead horse.
To be fair, Bill Hicks never created any tv shows about firefighter/paramedic/public servant boyhood fantasies so Leary is now working without a net.
* is reminded of Lisa Sparxxx *
If nothing else, it's admirable to see her striving to elevate her writing.