
Fuck this fucking month.

@Dorek helped me out with this the other day! All you have to do is replace the "c" with a cyrillic "с", as in "Piers Morgan is a сunt".

It's a sad day for connoisseurs of the сuntly arts, but otherwise no big deal.

CNN has committed countryside (thank you, Stephen Fry).

Hey, Pasdar's got that Amazon pilot and… and…
Yeah, he'll show up on this.

"He never sleeps, Judge Ito. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die."

You have a point. Let's work on the basis that his most recent retirement announcement was the world's briefest face turn.

Oh, are we now allowed to say cu

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn, baby?

Six Degrees of Operating Thetans

You're a more forgiving man than I am, Todd.

I'm guessing you don't mean Kristen Wiig.

Can I pre-order tickets directly from you, or is there a website I have to go to?

Give it time - in that comment, he essentially cops to a possession beef.

It makes sense that a CyberneticOrganism would have trouble with the human concept of "enjoy".

If anyone doubts this, please refer to the entire fifty-year career of Rich Little.

Wish I could upvote this 100 times, if only for the use of "timeless demiurge".

I don't wish him any specific harm.

Too soon, m'lord?

?uestlove jumps up from behind his kit to rush to Fallon's defense, only to take a steel chair to the back from Kevin Eubanks…