Magical Pansexual Non-threaten

C-c-come on, come on, come, come, come on…

You want to see bad acting, go watch "A Jew Comes to Dinner".

For me, every brilliant show has that one moment that I realize it is indeed "brilliant" (the first projects/cops standoff in The Wire, the acid eating through the ceiling in Breaking Bad, Jon holding a funeral for his cremated ceramic hand in Delocated, etc).

It's like that song was written about my son!

You're supposed to say "don't".

This cue makes every situation hilarious. It's the Yakety Sax of cues.

I'll Kickstart for an Omar puppet character until the day I die.

Dat's Kenning!

How much damage did Batman cause to that interrogation room in The Dark Knight? TELL ME SCIENCE

Any human that spawned the YOLO catchphrase deserves to be shot in the street.

*Runs over tupperware bowl with RV*

Big deal. I asked to meet him in character as Lincoln Osiris, and he didn't even show up.

"So, should I, should I, should, should, should, sh-, sh-, sh-, sh-"

But is he MAGICAL?

I did, but that was definitely where diminishing returns began (Darjeeling Limited aside).

IT'S "WOW, that's TERRIFIC bass!!"

I'd be interested in/terrified of a 5th season of Mr. Show.

Great RR, but I'd really like to know what he thinks of Childrens Hospital, because I loved him as Death in Season 3.

Perhaps Owen Wilson should just stick to Wes Anderson movies from here on out.

Ehverehybohdy betray Bobby. He's fehd hap with dis wohrld.