
If this is a Middleman reference, I love you, you classy rabbit.

I went to college with Matt - he is hilarious and very very strange, all of which you could probably tell from this video.

Alright - question for all of you. The video of Rachel and the Duncans was labelled 1991. Didn't the lab explosion that supposedly killed the Duncans happen before then? 1986 or something? Or have I just completely scrambled the timeline in my brain?

I liked this episode for the most part, but I keep getting stuck on something: Casey is a pastor. It's his job. It's one of the biggest focuses of his life. He talks about his religion ALL THE TIME. I do not believe for an instant that he would be in a long-term relationship with someone who wasn't Christian or at

I agree completely about Chloe S - she's a great actress, but I think she's miscast here. The way the construction worker scene was set up, she should have been some kind of incredibly gorgeous, fragile-looking thing, which Chloe is not. (She's attractive, but not the kind of attractive that could have helped that

She was getting on a taxi to go to the airport… I'll give Sims partial credit on this one.

I'm no science expert, but they did this on Mythbusters and it's totally plausible. I would think that there was enough oxygen trapped with them under the tub to last them until they could get out after the blast.

I'm no science expert, but they did this on Mythbusters and it's totally plausible. I would think that there was enough oxygen trapped with them under the tub to last them until they could get out after the blast.

Wallace disappeared solely because they only had the actor for a limited number of episodes and needed an excuse for him to not be around. (I think the only actors guaranteed to be in every ep this season were Kristin, Enrico and Jason D.)

The only thing that got me through that scene was thinking about how Tudyk was probably the most bankable actor in that cast at that point.

I remember this moment was HUGE with the shippers. Endless arguing. (Wallace's name was even thrown in there a few times as a possibility.)

Teddy Dunn's "Acting"
I love ATttD, but man, Teddy Dunn almost ruins the resolution for me. K Bell is acting her heart out and Teddy is… yelling? With the same facial expression the whole time? He was never great, but this is such an important scene that it's truly a bummer that he wasn't able to express what was

On the TWoP boards, this moment evoked the squeee heard round the world. Lots of people already loved Logan, everyone already loved Veronica, and the two had amazing chemistry, so there were definitely some shippers already. And the number of LoVe (yes, that's their shipper name) shippers probably jumped 200% after