Jim Stickitinski

I guess I encompass all six films as one "story". AG is a well written story, but if you take Ford out of Lost Ark, it's probably a fairly pedestrian adventure story.

I think my biggest gripe is the fact that Lucas hasn't produced anything since and so he feels the need to tinker with his one success. It goes back to the arguement that maybe some artists only have one good story in them.

Mmmmmm….green pea-ness

Something, something, 7-10 split

I was never a fan of Stefani's looks but Jesus she is hot in the beginning of that video. I'd almost take her over a pre-cracked out Lindsay Lohan…almost.

I don't want to look like a fool, I'll just take a Moo-Moo

I would definitely go back to the turn of the 20th century. I would love to see the birth of the silent film, I mean, I really love watching movies now, think about if the idea had never existed before!! How blown would your mind be?? Maybe i could get the first hand job in a movie theater..EVER!

Mumford and Sons got robbed I tell you, ROBBED!!

Has anybody commented on the fact that his wife is disturbingly ugly? She looks like one of the Wayans Brothers in White Chicks. No wonder he needed drugs, he has to go home to that everyday.

Mine would be Tiger Canterbury, sounds British.

Hey Modell,

Does he have "Respect" tattooed on the back of his head in Old English?

How real are the characters in LDW? I often walk out of Solondz (and sometimes LaBute and Baumbach) films thinking to myself "people don't actually act like that" or "no one is really that abhorrent in real life". Maybe i'm being naive or maybe they are outsized caricatures meant to provoke a response. Either way it's

False! The Pacific was the most disapointing show in years. There was no character development or atmosphere and the sets looked like a bad T.V. movie. During the end of the last episode, when they went through each of the characters, I honestly recognized 2, maybe 3, of them.

I watched the already existing Blu-Ray recently and was really dissapointed in the picture quality. It still had the grainy, BSG look to it, not sharp at all. I hope this new one is an improvement.

When will you cover Memories of Murder?? It is one of the best films (Korean or otherwise) of the last decade.

I CAN get enough of Jean Claude Van Damme

I loved the fact that Tracy starred in an "Anti-Condom" PSA.

Honkey Decepticon Be Trippin'!

Were any goats harmed in the filming of this episode?