The Alexing

My favorite Wes Anderson parody is the McCain ad:

A Creed funeral episode should be a lot like Big Fish, in which we find out the crazy old man's stories were all true and see them via flashback.

A Creed funeral episode should be a lot like Big Fish, in which we find out the crazy old man's stories were all true and see them via flashback.

I feel like people keep comparing this show to magical fictional TV shows in which all the characters consistently make perfect decisions and are never annoying in any way and the writers never suddenly write off characters for practical purposes. I'd like to see these fictional shows and then complain about how

I feel like people keep comparing this show to magical fictional TV shows in which all the characters consistently make perfect decisions and are never annoying in any way and the writers never suddenly write off characters for practical purposes. I'd like to see these fictional shows and then complain about how

I noticed that too! The one guy stormed off as Louis shook his head in bewilderment. Kind of odd.

I noticed that too! The one guy stormed off as Louis shook his head in bewilderment. Kind of odd.

Yeah, it's weird how he's in everything now.

Yeah, it's weird how he's in everything now.

So one summer, my friends and I went through a zombie movie phase. We just kept renting zombie movies and one night came across a box for a movie called Alien Dead at Blockbuster. The tape was missing so we were never able to rent it, but the artwork on the box won us over.

So one summer, my friends and I went through a zombie movie phase. We just kept renting zombie movies and one night came across a box for a movie called Alien Dead at Blockbuster. The tape was missing so we were never able to rent it, but the artwork on the box won us over.

It took me about a week to read it the first time. Then I did something I never did before or have done since: immediately after finishing the book, I flipped back to the first page and reread the entire book.

It took me about a week to read it the first time. Then I did something I never did before or have done since: immediately after finishing the book, I flipped back to the first page and reread the entire book.

Ah, yes, I suppose that could be it too. In any case, Lister's explanation directly contradicts Tikka's resolution, and that continues to bug me. :/

Ah, yes, I suppose that could be it too. In any case, Lister's explanation directly contradicts Tikka's resolution, and that continues to bug me. :/

That's just it though. The ship explodes before Rimmer can destroy the time drive. That SHOULD have been the resolution, but, as Lister explains in Tikka, their older selves did manage to kill their younger selves before Rimmer could destroy the time drive and that's what causes the paradox.

That's just it though. The ship explodes before Rimmer can destroy the time drive. That SHOULD have been the resolution, but, as Lister explains in Tikka, their older selves did manage to kill their younger selves before Rimmer could destroy the time drive and that's what causes the paradox.

A friend of mine ruined Tikka to Ride for me after pointing out that the resolution for the events in Out of Time (the last episode of the previous season) are completely at odds with the logical resolution at the end of Tikka to Ride:

A friend of mine ruined Tikka to Ride for me after pointing out that the resolution for the events in Out of Time (the last episode of the previous season) are completely at odds with the logical resolution at the end of Tikka to Ride:

You know, Lenny, every year of my life I grow more and more convinced
that the wisest and the best is to fix our attention on the good and the
beautiful. If you just take the time to look at it