
What is punk? Baby, don't hurt me

Green Day is a good band. They've always been a good band, and Revolution Radio is a good record.

Thank you! I always hated when my "punk" friends would talk about how Green Day's early records were the only ones worth listening to, inasmuch as they had an edge to them the band lost with Dookie. That's laughable. The Lookout records are certainly fine for what they are, but incredibly hokey, sappy, and poppy.

I don't necessarily agree that blink's 2003 record is overly depressing. Certainly darker than previous records, but songs like Feeling This and Always are bright and hopeful examinations of young love, and I Miss You, Here's Your Letter, & Asthenia are painfully earnest in their longing. It has a unique sound that

Right on!

Tre is by far the best. But Id like to share my single album version of the trilogy:
1.Rusty James
2.Missing You
3.8th Ave Serenade
4.Lazy Bones
7.Stray Heart
8.Sweet 16
9.Walk Away
10.Brutal Love

To be fair, AM's sound has only really changed slightly since the early days. If this album had acoustic guitars and trash cans for drums it'd be pretty indistinguishable from Crime-Eternal Cowboy. I admit since losing Warren theyve definitely become more generically "rock", but Grace has never lost her intensity and

I feel strangled, I feel torn into insufficient amounts of two.

Love their EPs, can't wait to pick this up

You're Next!

jk hes alive

yeah right

You really are acting ridiculously. This is coming from someone who really likes A LOT of what DC is putting out right now. Wonder Woman, Action Comics, Batman, Batman and…, Green Arrow, Red Lanterns, Detective Comics, The Flash, Swamp Thing, Aquaman under Jeff Parker, All Star Western… DC gets a lot of shit for

In England, everything means vagina.

I always shout "Dammit, Oliver!" at least one time every episode. Loving this season though.

Really, Charles Soule is doing a fantastic job with Swampy. His run is leagues above Scott Snyder's, which was rarely amazing, but pretty consistently good.

ACTION COMICS 26 - Best issue of AC since Morrison's run ended.
DETECTIVE 26 - John Layman continues to knock it out of the park. His run hasn't been as BIG/AWESOME as Snyder's Batman, but it is consistently entertaining and well-written.
MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDERMAN 3 - Fantastic art, whatever story. Matt Kindt's JLA has

the NEW wave?

MMBOMP dippy dop bomp doo bop