
Its maybe my imagination but his therapist almost seems unimpressed, almost disdainful, at least not as deferential as others tend to be towards Hannibal and he seems to like it coming from her whereas it would probably anger him normally.

This was not a bad finale but the three previous season finales this show has done were truly spectacular so this definitely felt like a bit of a step down.

I wonder what excuse they'll come up with for Katherine not re-vamping straight away. But even if she revamps she won't be nearly as strong which is a bummer. As disappointed as I am with what they have done with Katherine over the last few episodes I am still interested to see this play out,if the writers give her

I am really disappointed with what they have done to Katherine over the last few episodes. As you say,she's just come across as bitter and desperate and self pitying, I really didn't like her saying that she never had a life because she always seemed like the one person who despite everything really knew how to have

In "Masquerade" Damon shoots a stake at Katherine's back and she's still able to put up a fight against both Damon and Stefan. If its so easy to kill Katherine  it makes a mockery of the time she was the big bad which is a shame because some of those episodes were so awesome.

Please start an open thread as soon as the episode ends.

I am enjoying this show but I agree that it feels like they are burning through plot very quickly, Chris was a good foil for Stan and maybe his death would have had  more weight if it had happened say next season. Given that we know that the cold war never really got hot they cannot really escalate things too much so

So because she didn't necessarily get the job on merit means she shouldn't want to work? I don't know yet if her character's arc is going to be commentary on feminism but I have no problem with her wanting to work. Also while Don is her boss at work it would be annoying to her if he tried to boss her around elsewhere.

Sorry but I have an announcement to make, its going to be a beautiful day.

It seems in the 50's and 60's lot of English fans carried the Union Jack, I was watching United's 1968 European cup win in Wembley before last yr's final, stadium was full of Union Jack apparel.

I agree, really  enjoyed this episode, its amazing how  versatile and ambitious this show can be. I get that this is all subjective , yet at some level I guess I  cannot accept it.

The problem with creating super strong villains is that they have to be colossally stupid for the heroes to beat them. When Stefan and Damon were in the room together why didn't Klaus devervain Stefan too, find out who has or knows about the other stakes, find them, compel them to hand over the stakes and then just

As far as Spartacus knows Ilithyia is pretty much innocent no? Whereas Crixus knew that Lucretia had a hand in sending Naevia away so not quite parallel.

Sura did tell him to "kill them all", but maybe Spartacus judged that  his own unborn child wasn't included in "them", to me that's what saved Ilithyia, also there was no point in killing her . The people that died in the arena you could argue were collateral damage,
if Spartacus believed the child was Glaber's you

"Why is Elena so willing to help Esther kill these people who, for the most part, haven’t done much of anything to her?"Well, Klaus did kill her and Jenna, Rebekah tried to kill her, Kol spent the night plotting to kill Matt and Elijah has betrayed her horribly before. Finn is the only one who hasn't "done much of