Mighty Moog

Brass Eye was not on the BBC, it was on Channel 4. The Day Today, also featuring Chris Morris doing his newsman bit was on BBC. Armando Ianucci was responsible for this one and it also featured Steve Coogan and the first television appearance of Alan Partridge. I recall the reason that Brass Eye was not on BBC was for

(I'll still watch the show, obviously, as I have an insatiable thirst for this time period and lovely Noir.)

(I'll still watch the show, obviously, as I have an insatiable thirst for this time period and lovely Noir.)

Not an adaptation of the game, but both are obviously wishing to be associated with James Ellroy, whose Lloyd Hopkins trilogy was collected in the late 90s under the title of "L.A. Noir." These are not set in the classic noir period of either the game or this TV show though. Can we not just get the adaptation of

Not an adaptation of the game, but both are obviously wishing to be associated with James Ellroy, whose Lloyd Hopkins trilogy was collected in the late 90s under the title of "L.A. Noir." These are not set in the classic noir period of either the game or this TV show though. Can we not just get the adaptation of

Fire Walk With Me wasn't just a prequel though, and I think gave the most important ending / closure to the series that was needed: the fate of Laura Palmer. Sure it left lots of threads hanging - particularly all of the Soap stuff not concerned with the supernatural - but as it is, I was surprised at how much it felt

Absolutely. It shows courage for Robertson to admit how much he loved him and how much he mattered to his career and life. Even if it was not the proper talking out and reconciling that should have happened long before, it was the right thing to do. He acknowledged his part in the feud and tried to make amends. That's

This was a fitting tribute. Beautifully written. Levon Helm will be missed. 

Levon Helm was on Deserter's Songs too! On Opus 40, I think.

The AV Club has its appalled face back on, I see. Good that you can make room for principled outrage between all the ironically offensive guff and Simpsons quotes. 

It's certainly not as explicit, to be sure. As with most of the other Smile concepts, it got simplified in the transition to Smiley. Fall Breaks being a candle in comparison seems about right. The move from Fall to Winter representing the same destruction and eventual rebirth that Mrs. O Leary's Cow did.

Pet Sounds was not a huge commercial success. The 2004 version wasn't really simplified either, if anything it was deliberately complicated, with the linking tracks, the creation of movements, and the using of every full track in the vault - Look and Holidays were dropped before the end of 1966.