Dickey Pringle

Kat Dennings
I'd nail her with my hammer.

Re: Thin Lizzy I always assumed the jailbreak would happen at the jail as opposed to "somewhere" else. If there's a jailbreak, one would assume it's going to be at the jail.


Wasn't the "Cher belittles Sonny" the whole schtick of there live action TV show, too?

My guess is that he's just a self-promoting asswipe. Easy publicity.

Possible title - Herbie 2: Full Load

Not on your life my Hindu friend.

I love The Van. It's one of the first "R" rated movies I saw on Showtime After Hours in the early '80s. I occasionally have drive-in movie themed parties and The Van is always a crowd pleaser. One of Danny Devito's first movies, too.

I like The Will Be Blood but I have not had the the urge to re-watch it multiple times like I do with Magnolia and especially Boogie Nights.


You didn't even try. You're fired.

I like to think of him as today's Thalmus Rasulala.

Bokeem Woodbine
Will his star ever fade?

I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate?

"The #1 movie in America was called "Ass." And that's all it was for 90 minutes. It won eight Oscars that year, including best screenplay. "

"Cool As Ice" is a classic bad movie. It's also rare to find on home video. It has never has had a legitimate DVD release.

I hope
the movie has even more scenes of Dorff sleeping or looking as if he just woke up. That would be very good. More 3 day stubble, too.

I won't suck you.
Don't ask me to suck you.

Considering I posted it a good 5 minutes after the first post I would have to say no. As such I have none of the feelings described above. Thanks for taking an interest though.