Dickey Pringle

I went to a party like that

Eat it
Just eat it.

She's actually proud to be a tiny part of something so infamous.

I know one of the extras in this video. She raced to the open casting call to get the part. True story.

The only thing that counts in the end is power.

Why do you honkies have such a tight ass?

Will 1966 Raquel Welch return? She makes me feel funny in my pants.

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I'd buy one.

Me and Dot went in to adopt on account a' somethin' went wrong with my semen, and they said we had to wait five years for a healthy white baby. I said, "Healthy white baby? Five years? What else you got?" Said they got two Koreans and a negra born with his heart on the outside. It's a crazy world.

Say, that reminds me
I could really use a back-rub. Any takers?

Those robots are a very musical people
I wonder if they can tap dance or do that moon-walkin' that all the kids these days are into?