Cluttered Mind

"I have to go now. My planet needs me." *Henry Allen died on the way back to his home planet*

You mean aside from the fact that Tony Todd is awesome?

He shot the only woman Jon Snow ever loved with a bow and arrow. He's like a reverse-cupid, an assassin of love.

Hasn't he more or less stated outright that that's his plan in his "chaos is a ladder" speech? And wasn't it Varys who once said that Littlefinger would happily burn the Seven Kingdoms down in order to rule over the pile of ashes? Littlefinger is just a straight up agent of chaos. In his words "I'm not meant to fight

Look at it from her perspective. Despite the circumstances, I think she's glad that she's the daughter of two people who loved each other instead of two people who despised each other. Also, happy that her father is alive and still protecting her instead of dead by her mother's machinations. There are plenty of

There was just a massive blizzard that lasted for days. They landed in a snow drift. They might be bruised, but I bet they can both walk away from that.

And the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they spit bees at you.

That kind of makes it especially fitting that he's finally done in by a character who was shown on screen dying over and over and over again! R.I.P. Mikhail the Immortal

I agree for the most part. The big exception would be Penny and Desmond. I would be shocked if anyone could ever find The Constant not genuinely emotionally moving.

It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say the Man in Black can also interfere.

Alternate explanation: The reason Claire did not get on the helicopter is due to the direct intervention of the Man in Black. If there's anyone on the island capable of meddling in events, it's him.

Yeah, I think I was just staring in disbelief as Locke woke up on the island and got up on his feet and we finally saw it in proper context. Absolute gold, that was.

All of this, yes. Especially that part late in season 6 where someone questions why Jack is doing something (I don't recall the specifics) and he says "Because John Locke asked me to." It took him a while but he finally was able to see how terribly he treated Locke (a man who had been treated terribly and belittled

The mystery box is a metaphor.

Don't forget: "That was for taking the kid off the raft." Maximum catharsis.

Correct, only a few smiths can work with the metal, and none in the present era can create it.

It wasn't Tyrion's dagger, it was Littlefinger's. Littlefinger was lying about it being Tyrion's. Last time we saw it was when Catelyn showed it to him and he took it back, and presumably he still has it.

That's actually believable. Consider that Nyssa was one of the League instructors and has been for some time (she was performing that role when Flashback Malcolm first arrived in Nanda Parbat), and Nyssa has been the one teaching Laurel for a while now. Laurel probably learned a few anti-League moves from Nyssa, who

Agreed, Diggle would probably have been 100% okay with what happened with Lyla in service of the deception if it hadn't resulted in the baby being left alone. No amount of good intentions from Oliver would have mattered if Diggle's daughter had died, and she could have from that.

I would watch a spinoff that was just about Joe and Grodd.