Cluttered Mind

CWisis on Infinite Earths?

We only have beautiful days in the neighborhood because Mr. Rogers does what is necessary during the nights.

Agreed, the reporter was the jerk here, not Major. The reporter quoted Clive by name in the paper when Clive was clearly not intending to give an on the record statement to the press. That's a serious dick move and totally not Major's fault.

I actually really like that about him. He's not only wholly and totally unashamed of who he is, but he takes pride in his extreme geekiness and makes it clear within seconds of meeting anyone that that's who he is and you can take it or leave it, but he has no interest in turning it down for the benefit of other

It's funny how the Eddie and Barry bromance has more weight and chemistry than any of Barry's actual romance storylines in the show. I really hope nothing terrible happens to screw up Eddie's character.

Then we can follow it up with a funeral with a bunch of people chanting "His name was Theon Greyjoy" over and over.

Yeah, it matters to him. Catelyn was the only thing that ever DID matter to him that he was ever willing to make personal sacrifices for. Not a chance he'll ever forgive the Boltons for this. If I were a Frey I'd start looking over my shoulder periodically also.

ALSO SPOILERS, INCLUDING SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 4 AND 5: Not that mysterious.  Re-read Arya's chapters in book 3, specifically her encounters with the dwarf woman.  She'll tell you exactly how Balon really died, and given who was conveniently just one day away from Pyke when that happened, it shouldn't be too hard to

Ch'Pok was and remains awesome.  He was completely up front about what he was doing, made no attempt to hide his blatantly political motivations, and basically just threw down the gauntlet at Sisko and dared him to take up the challenge.  I love Ch'Pok because to me he is the best example we ever see on screen of how

Agreed, this was almost certainly done to make an example of O'Brien and scare the Federation away from sniffing around their planet again.

It's important to remember that the Prime Directive of TOS was originally designed as social commentary on colonialism (in Africa specifically, but not exclusively), and was trying to warn of the pitfalls of messing with a totally different culture's natural development.  I don't know why it got so dramatically

It's funny because not only do we know for a certainty that Odo can lie, we also know that he sometimes does it for his own amusement just because he knows no one thinks he can.  Those situations usually involve Quark in some way though. Odo just loves trolling Quark.

That wouldn't work.  Every one of them is descended from Katherine, who is descended from Klaus (or so he claims, and there are only two other possibilities at this point).  There isn't any still living vampire on the show who we are familiar with who isn't connected to Katherine, so if any of them were to die, they'd

Meanwhile Siddig never married again and Visitor is on Husband #3 (Siddig was #2).

Please don't mention "granny" and "candles" in the same sentence in a Star Trek thread.

Not exactly.  Only the Cardassians can do it without any scarring at all, that's been documented.  Many times in DS9 when someone was disguised flawlessly someone makes a point of pointing out that they didn't have any of the telltale signs of that sort of surgery.  And then it always turns out to have been the

Worse, the only people they managed not to lose to were themselves. They didn't make any progress at all on finding the infiltrators.

So say we all.

I dunno, Skipskatte.  I think the final line of the episode clearly indicates that he is so shamed that he's okay with what he's done that he doesn't want anyone ever even running the risk of finding out.

The first half of Season 5 begs to differ.