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    Yeah, but we knew right away (because Dexter knew) that the vacation murderers weren't responsible. Generally speaking, I'm just saying, "Oh! That person I thought was the killer all along? Yeah…was the killer." is some boring storytelling, at least if there's heavy implication that person may not be the killer. I

    My guess is it's Quinn because he thought Lundy had something on him, but I am POSITIVE it's not Trinity…not just because it's not his MO and not because of anything else related to the actual story, really, but because — since we all are explicitly led to believe it's Trinity at the top of the very next episode after

    I really don't think Quinn has "badass" written on him anywhere. He's just basically a broseph who has no moral code — in effect, he's kind of the Anti-Dexter, a tool who drifts purposelessly through life (through a season and a half of scripts, anyway…although, in fairness, this description could apply to almost the

    Lumpy, I mean, like whatever the fuck you wanna like; no one can tell you you're wrong, because there's no way to objectively state that this movie sucks or doesn't suck, as there's no metric for a movie sucking. I think that some of the hate directed at Boondock Saints really is hipster douchebaggery — look how often

    Well, Hostel Part II WAS pirated pretty heavily — not pirated like someone went to the theater with a camcorder pirated, but pirated like someone took the work print and posted it all over the internet. The same thing happened with Wolverine, but the version of Wolverine that showed up online was far from finished;


    Is the Robot Chicken part supposed to be what makes this "mixed?" Because Robot Chicken is fucking awful.

    I think The Ring is a much more developed movie. I care more and am just more interested in Watts and her little family, who feel like real people, than is true of the broad caricatures (whiny wife, angry husband, non-entity child) of Ringu. I'm also ten times more scared of the crazy shit Samara does vis a vis

    The key to Cabin Fever is imagining it as an animated show on Adult Swim. It's the kind of thing that doesn't work for everybody with, like, real people in it. As a cartoon, though….

    Agreed — the last act is really being sold short here. The big problem with it (SPOILERS) is some pretty substandard FX work, bad enough to distract.

    I saw it for the first time last night, after being told I'd like it since its debut. And, well. I really liked it. It's basically Murder, She Wrote for nerds who get jokes about Firefly and goths and Frank Miller comics. About the lightest show I watch is The Venture Brothers, and if you really think about it? The

    Kill Quinn; bring on the Zombie Doakes.

    Leonard, my absolute disagreement with you on nearly every subject once moved me to loathe your reviews, but my admiration for the way you express your opinions (and, well, your fondness for Blood Meridian), has at last compelled me to utter the words once spoken by Miguel Ferrer: "I love you, Sheriff Truman."

    I certainly recall it being a hell of a lot scarier when I was in high school. Sadly, almost nothing is as awesome now as it was when I was sixteen. I guess maybe part of it (ironically, given how much of Ghost Story is a nod to writers who died a hundred-plus years earlier) is that everything's fresh to you at that

    I don't agree with you, Dick, but I do feel I should point out this: I read Ghost Story for the first time about twenty years ago, picked up a new copy for the book club reading, and was stunned to find that (although the book has a new, and pretty damn lame, cover) the text was shot from the exact same film as the

    When your leading light is Sarah Palin, random cries of "wakka wakka!" and some fart noises are, frankly, more sophisticated rebuttal than you deserve.


    If Hiro saves Charlie, that retcons the entire show from the middle of the first season on.

    1. Breaking Bad
    2. Mad Men
    3a. Venture Brothers
    3b. Metalocalypse
    5. Uhhhh…Dexter? Kinda? That's about the only other show I watch, but I'm feeling like it needs to end soon.

    Yeah, I think Metalocalypse was really giving VB a run for its money last season, too. Mind you, if the whole season of Venture Brothers is gonna be like THIS one, I think its place at the top of the heap is secure.