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    I actually think Breaking Bad is a little closer to the live-action Venture Brothers, a suspicion I had confirmed when Walter White grew out the goat at the end of the last season. You've got Walt as Venture, Q as Dr. Orpheus, Jane as Triana, and I guess, uh, Jesse as Dean. That's kinda where the analogy falls apart.

    Well, relative to his times, I DON'T think Don is a homophobe, though I was as disappointed in what he said as anybody else. "You people" was pretty definitely meant as a slam against gays. On the other hand, though, Don is - somehow! - the only person at Sterling-Cooper who knows Sal is gay, and has never before

    I for one am thrilled to see two such utterly talentless people working together on a project in which I could never have any interest.

    I loved the shit out of this movie in like 1993. Also, Lemmy. I can't say whether it's still gonna hold up, but I just one-clicked that mofo.

    If you work for TittyCorp, it's pretty okay. Otherwise…..

    Yeah, it actually seems more likely to me that this should have read: "The studio took a look at what appears to be a shit sandwich and decided to add a gimmick to it because maybe that will drag people in on opening weekend." I'm sure 3D won't seem at all played out in a year's time either.

    God, I hope not, since Lundy is about the only character who isn't Dexter or the Trinity Killer who is always doing something interesting. I would not object to an entire episode devoted to the bludgeoning death of Anton, Quinn, or - preferably - Quinn AND Anton, though, I gotta say. The only secondary character