Chauncey Darlington Butler

Oh shit, are you me?

This is a pretty good background gag, but I don't know if it's as good as Patton Oswalt standing perfectly still in the background during a party on The King of Queens.

I'd said it too. Twenty years ago.

Heynong man.

okay now do part 2

Years ago, Al was on a local morning show on Cleveland FM radio, Rover's Morning Glory, and they really gave him shit about his parents dying and wouldn't let up after he got upset about it. Real dick move on Rover's part, but that guy is a throbbing bag of diseased schlongs anyway. Can't even imagine how it would

Yeah, I kinda feel the same way. Well, I'm torn, anyway, Al is a legend and one of the best friends of the show, and I know he'll be great. But Reggie's style (and I'm sure Cudi's too, I only get to see the show on Netflix) was so out there and he and Scott are so different, that it worked so well.


thank you Ma'am

Yeah, in the Plug Bag. And he'll never get out because the theme isn't being used anymore!

Oh shit, swamp leeches! Everybody, check for swamp leeches and pull 'em off!

When I was sorta into Palahniuk, my sister got me Haunted for my birthday. When I realized that every single one of Palahniuk's characters in the book had the same voice (which, frankly, was just Palahniuk's), I gave up on his work altogether.

A heinous act of warfarin.

I never even knew that a glottal stop was considered a consonant. Guess I just got schooled. Dang.

Upvoted for suicide booths. I could use one now, but noooo I have to do it the boring, messy old-fashioned way.

I'm not sure about that one, but aä is a word itself, a rather obscure one. It's a type of volcanic rock, and I'm assuming the word's origin is Hawaiian.


Do you do like my father-in-law and bring your voice to a low, husky whisper before saying "black people" out the side of your mouth?

I deleted my facebook account in January, but now I'm going to have to look around for that, I love a good urban exploration story. In 2008, I went to Rolling Acres myself not long before it closed for good and took a bunch of photos. Not sure where they are now, probably on my Google+ account somewhere. It was cool

I'm not sure, I haven't been to Belden Village in probably ten or fifteen years. I'm sure it is there though, because there will always be a Spencer's Gifts in the lonely corner of every mall, gathering dust and cobwebs all over the myriad blacklight weed posters and the boxes of penis-shaped pasta.