
He's been dieting!

If it was a guy rubbing a girl's back instead, it would still be invasive, inappropriate touching. I don't think the VapoRub scene can be considered sexual assault, but it's damn close.

They haven't just sexualized Blaine, they've gayed him up. Which if it means he's going to dress like Adam Lambert and Freddie Mercury in the course of a single hour, I do not mind in the slightest.

I agree that it comes out of nowhere for the character, but I don't think it's random for the show. In a weird way, it's a replay of Kurt's totally inappropriate crush on Finn in S1.

The Mennonites were ROBBED. Robbed, I tell you!

This show has gone so far past the question of what would be appropriate for actual high school students so many times already…

While this is mostly true, there are certainly drag queens who transition. And I still love seeing someone serving fierce realness on a national TV show not hosted by RuPaul.

I do sort of love the fact that we have Warbler continuity, though. That dude has been lip-synching in the background for years!

She was crossing 5th Avenue near 42nd Street against the light. The fact that she didn't get run over is the least realistic thing about this episode!

I didn't have a problem with the gay jokes for the most part, but making a joke out of Lucas raping Archer was crossing the line. Lana's face in the next scene was pretty awesome, but it was still too much.

I have to say, I have occasionally found Jonny Lee Miller's performance as Sherlock a little much - the high-strung energy of the giant brain turning into something more childish - but he sold the hell out of this episode. Tremendous, subtle work, from the sad flinch when Watson discusses Irene with him, to the fury

Able was I ere I saw Elba.

Not Blaine, but Glee. Kurt discovers Gay Narnia because he's trying to get some intel on the Warblers before they meet in competition. Then he goes through the closet door (as it were) to Narnia, and hears Blaine do "Teenage Dream."

Not Blaine, but Glee. Kurt discovers Gay Narnia because he's trying to get some intel on the Warblers before they meet in competition. Then he goes through the closet door (as it were) to Narnia, and hears Blaine do "Teenage Dream."

Silly gay subculture names for the win! I also liked Derrick's categorizing all of the crew - what was Dave again, a mouthy power bottom?

Thank you!

"Why do you look so nonplussed?"

My accursed DVR cut off the last scene. Was there a reason that Arlo shanked the trusty, or is he just not into book learning?

The Following just looks awful.

As Alan Sepinwall points out in his new book, the idea for Lost came from a TV exec who pitched it to the network, who put together the team that made the series. I don't know if that counts, since the showrunners were so involved later on, but it was straight-up a network "here's a high-concept idea" show from the