Max Kyburz Has No Grade Point

Didn't care much for the new Angel Witch, but the new Aura Noir is tits. Don't forget that Wolfbrigade comes out this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've already heard it and its asstastic.

When will we get our money, Daniel? Err…I mean, when will we get our new Loud, Jason?

Starting in October, I've been seeing a friend on and off. Not enough to call it romance, but more than "just friends" (to avoid any revealing details). I think things started to go on a slightly awkward note when we went to see "The Skin I Live In", the most recent film by Pedro Almodovar. For those who've seen it or

Some not so supercalifragilisticexpali(annoyed grunt)cious news.

I haven't seen My Week With Marilyn yet, but I highly doubt it can even match Insignificance.


To add to what Heller said: the title track is on YouTube, and its most "liked" comment is that "this song = 'Ever Fallen in Love?'" I dunno if that was meant to be a jab at this song, or a celebration of its embrace of 70s punk. I would hope for the latter, because even if this song embraces the sound of a bygone

And because this is an awards show (and awards shows always matter and have the last word about what's good and what isn't, no ifs, ands, or buts about it), anything the voters "forget" will be met with retaliation. It will be swift. It will be just. And it will be without mercy.

I'm sure they'll have to ask their mom's permission first.

I'm with Koski on this one
Under the Sea, without years of training under Pat Morita, can be a daunting task. That's why I've always stuck with "I'll Make A Man Out of You" from Mulan, sung by America's sweetheart Donny Osmond. That gets a rousing sing-along from the crowd.

On behalf of Diable Cody:
"This is foshizz gonna be the biggest biggie since Bruce Campbell Soup. I am totally gonna switch the gallons of blood gushing out to Sunny D. Ash already has his hand cut off, so what other shenanigans can he get into? Also, Dale Earnhart Jr. Jr. is totally gonna do the scizzore."

Bring the fuck on, Netflix

With this one in the bag, any thoughts on pursuing another hallmark of America's international diplomacy (but not nearly as many roundhouse kicks and more Raul Julia), a little film called Street Fighter (1994)?

I must know
When will Hitler unleash his bullet-sweat-infested tirade against this monstrosity?

To paraphrase a wiser newscaster than I…
"Way to go Netflix. Keep fucking that chicken."