Maul Me Maybe

I didn't find it believable at the time, but in retrospect there were a lot of hints that he wasn't quite as good at playing his role and was letting his moral difficulties get to him more than Foxx's character was. For example, when he offers to pay for the guy who tries to escape because he doesn't want to keep

@eric827:disqus Exactly, which is why she was good in The King's Speech, because she wasn't playing that character at all.

@eric827:disqus Exactly, which is why she was good in The King's Speech, because she wasn't playing that character at all.

Yeah, without giving anything away, it was hard to re-watch it knowing what's to come.

You guys should stop complaining about Series 2 until you've seen more of Series 3.

Because I sense the main thing they wanted here was STAR POWER more than singing ability, and Jackman has more name-recognition than Patinkin. (Like, it says something that probably the least-known person for non-musical-theatre people out of the major roles - Samantha Barks (Eponine) - had her role majorly downplayed

Because I sense the main thing they wanted here was STAR POWER more than singing ability, and Jackman has more name-recognition than Patinkin. (Like, it says something that probably the least-known person for non-musical-theatre people out of the major roles - Samantha Barks (Eponine) - had her role majorly downplayed

The constant word-dropping was bothering me, too. People bitch about Season 2, but at least with that season there were actual historical REASONS for so much upheaval (the war, the flu, etc.). So much of the "changes" this season (and yes, I've seen all of it) are sooooooo…contrived.

Also, if all the dudes died in the war, who are they servicing? Guys who lost their wives/can't get find wives due to the flu? How many are there, really, compared to the number of war widows? (And sure, we have some guys being unfaithful to their wives, but that still doesn't explain the HUGE demand for prostitutes


Matthew and Mary are third cousins and, to be fair, the odds of birth defects in children of people that distantly related is pretty rare. (Even with children of first cousins, defects aren't as common as people think they are unless the family has a pattern of intramarriage.)

Bates is a nice character (often obnoxiously nice), but I can't see how anyone can find him sexy. IIRC every straight woman/gay man I knew who watched the show found the sight of his naked chest when he and Anna were in their marital bed last season to be a real mood-killer (in terms of how nice it was to finally see

Made creepier by Lord Grantham replying "Don't I know it."

Are you quite finished?

Matthew is somehow still letting Lavinia's death affect his present-day actions in improbable ways, and you think this show drops storylines too QUICKLY?

You guys are in for a rude awakening re: Dr. Dipshit in a few episodes.

To answer some of your questions:
a) The short answer is that Valjean never learns of Javert's suicide, so he has no way of knowing that Javert isn't still hunting him. The long answer is that it's an attempt to change a plot element of the novel to make Marius more sympathetic. In the novel, Valjean "goes away"

To answer some of your questions:
a) The short answer is that Valjean never learns of Javert's suicide, so he has no way of knowing that Javert isn't still hunting him. The long answer is that it's an attempt to change a plot element of the novel to make Marius more sympathetic. In the novel, Valjean "goes away"

It's worth hearing them both if only because they cast Lea Salonga, who was Eponine in the 10th anniversary, as Fantine in this one.

It's worth hearing them both if only because they cast Lea Salonga, who was Eponine in the 10th anniversary, as Fantine in this one.