Maul Me Maybe

I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks Milk was a better movie than Slumdog Millionaire. I remember at the time, every critic acted like none of the other movies could shine Slumdog's shoes. And admittedly, while there were a lot of mediocre turds nominated that year (The Reader) over better genre stuff, Milk was

Eh, there were famous people who were openly bisexual at that time and even earlier. Us bis have just as little control over who we get crushes on as anyone else; it's easier for us to remain closeted, but still not EASY if you've got an uncontrollable crush on someone of the same gender.

Okay, someone's already made the correction that Peggy called Stan, not Abe, right?

I was just happy to finally have a Jessa focus episode. She's barely been in this season. I know part of this is Kirke's pregnancy, and I'm pretty sure her note means we won't be seeing her much in the rest of the season. So even though this wasn't the greatest episode, I'm grateful that we just get SOME quality time

Eh, I heard this phrase a lot by my high school orchestra and band geek friends and when I went to college at a music conservatory. So some of those people do like classical and/or jazz. Most don't, though, or at least not as much as they think they do.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Yeah, I'm gonna concur with Nate42 that New England weather is not that bad. And I come from Michigan which, while known for its crazy weather, is not nearly as bad as the Great Plains (because we don't get AS MANY tornadoes plus our temperatures are generally milder due

I actually think that Carson was pretty accurate. Of course someone as obsessively traditional as he is would find it disgusting, but his adoration of the Crawley family also means he'd want to avoid scandal, and keep it under wraps if possible rather than haul Thomas off to jail.

As another queer here, I can sort of buy the idea that Thomas wouldn't be fired and dragged through the mud for what he did; if you dig a bit into LGBT history, you'll usually find that while it generally sucked to be gay up until the last quarter-century or so, people weren't nearly as bad back then as things may

Yeah, this is where Branson's storyline starts to get truly interesting this season. I just wish it didn't have to come over the (literal) dead body of Sybil.

Once again, the day is saved, thanks to….Joe Flacco?!?!? (seriously, weird mix of great plays by him and total screw-ups, so, pretty par for the course, I guess? I just never expected he'd be a Super Bowl-winning QB.)

@avclub-cb10f554d73e40f723febf42a006a887:disqus Exactly. When did the Ravens become an embarrassing team to lose to? I know they had a rocky regular season, but their overall recent history of playoff contention is a lot longer than that of the 49ers…

@E. Buzz Miller: Like the deer antlers? Seriously, I'm really curious as to why there aren't more people talking about that. A lot more hilarious than the murder thing, and there's probably no one else you can say that about in the NFL, whereas, crime-ridden football players are a dime a dozen.

Well, it turned out both much closer than you expected and with the opposite team winning. But good effort!

@Agent Broyles This is seriously what has puzzled me the most about this whole debacle. Why, of all teams, are these guys playing for San Francisco? Especially because in the past, SF teams have been taunted as "the queers" when they're playing against some team from a more conservative state?

@avclub-e5b4fef159d90a480b1961cef89a17b7:disqus Hating a group of people so much that you don't want to even support SUICIDE PREVENTION for them? I think that's a bit more than just regular ol' homophobia.

I won't dispute that Ray Lewis is a dick and the hero worship he gets in Baltimore weirds me the fuck out, but obstruction of justice in a murder trial isn't the same as being a murderer. And it's not like there aren't awful people on the 49ers roster: http://www.latinospost.com/…

Well, I like the Ravens much better, so that makes sense for both of us!

Go Ravens! So glad they made it all the way here, they better not screw it up now!

I still find it weird how even TV geeks like the AV Club writers identify Hoult more with About A Boy than with Skins. He'll always be Tony Stonem to me.

Trust me, it takes a lot with this, she's definitely not indifferent this time. (That's the most I can say without giving stuff away.)