Maul Me Maybe

I don't think anyone save hardcore Finchel fans was worried about Quinn's season 2 prediction turning out to be true, except for the bit about Quinn being stuck in Lima as Finn's long-suffering housewife - which is the part that didn't hold. (At least, so far. I heard on Dianna Agron's Facebook page that she's

I don't think anyone save hardcore Finchel fans was worried about Quinn's season 2 prediction turning out to be true, except for the bit about Quinn being stuck in Lima as Finn's long-suffering housewife - which is the part that didn't hold. (At least, so far. I heard on Dianna Agron's Facebook page that she's

Yeah, keeping RM busy doing other stuff is probably the reason that Glee seems to be looking up this season (even if the new characters are boring carbon-copies of last year's seniors).

Yeah, keeping RM busy doing other stuff is probably the reason that Glee seems to be looking up this season (even if the new characters are boring carbon-copies of last year's seniors).

Tenure in K-12 schools usually just requires a few years of teaching with no complaints, not the long, arduous process that you see in universities. So there are plenty of teachers much younger than Emma with tenure.

Tenure in K-12 schools usually just requires a few years of teaching with no complaints, not the long, arduous process that you see in universities. So there are plenty of teachers much younger than Emma with tenure.

@avclub-0c9de7fbac44fdcea080c61e55772199:disqus As a bi woman myself who has been in opposite-sex relationships, I'm well-aware of the fact that dating a boy wouldn't make Brittany straight. And I would have no problem with Brittany dating Sam if the show would maintain the idea that she is still attracted to people

@avclub-0c9de7fbac44fdcea080c61e55772199:disqus As a bi woman myself who has been in opposite-sex relationships, I'm well-aware of the fact that dating a boy wouldn't make Brittany straight. And I would have no problem with Brittany dating Sam if the show would maintain the idea that she is still attracted to people

Yeah I agree with you. It's one of the reasons I really don't go on AfterEllen anymore. I suppose it makes sense that you'd see stuff like that from a pop culture website that focuses on the lesbian community, but people do take shit way too seriously and act like they're personally affronted when the creators don't

Yeah I agree with you. It's one of the reasons I really don't go on AfterEllen anymore. I suppose it makes sense that you'd see stuff like that from a pop culture website that focuses on the lesbian community, but people do take shit way too seriously and act like they're personally affronted when the creators don't

Yeah, that is what I find frustrating about them breaking up all these couples, because it's done in a way that suggests that they want to cast a lot of these characters to the wind and not deal with them again. I'd much rather follow everyone's plans after high school (not just Rachel's and Kurt's in New York) than

Yeah, that is what I find frustrating about them breaking up all these couples, because it's done in a way that suggests that they want to cast a lot of these characters to the wind and not deal with them again. I'd much rather follow everyone's plans after high school (not just Rachel's and Kurt's in New York) than

More than wondering why any character would agree to the "fake rapture" prank, I want to know why any writer would agree to the "fake rapture prank" as a plot idea.

More than wondering why any character would agree to the "fake rapture" prank, I want to know why any writer would agree to the "fake rapture prank" as a plot idea.

Pretty much everything that has happened with Brittany and Santana has totally lacked build-up, though. This is why all their fans have such a love-hate relationship with the series compared to, say, Klaine fans.

Pretty much everything that has happened with Brittany and Santana has totally lacked build-up, though. This is why all their fans have such a love-hate relationship with the series compared to, say, Klaine fans.

See, I can kind of understand worry from Brittana fans with Brittany - the show has continually refused to refer to her as "bisexual" and it has a crappy track record with bi stuff before her, and so I wouldn't be surprised if they use this break-up as an excuse to retcon her into total heterosexuality, especially as

See, I can kind of understand worry from Brittana fans with Brittany - the show has continually refused to refer to her as "bisexual" and it has a crappy track record with bi stuff before her, and so I wouldn't be surprised if they use this break-up as an excuse to retcon her into total heterosexuality, especially as

-Pretty Little Liars, as people have already mentioned.
-Skins (the original British show, not the awful American version) had it with the Naomi/Emily romance in Season 3 and 4.
-Lots of anime, for one - the Sailor Uranus/Sailor Neptune romance in Sailor Moon was pretty important for me when I was coming to terms with

-Pretty Little Liars, as people have already mentioned.
-Skins (the original British show, not the awful American version) had it with the Naomi/Emily romance in Season 3 and 4.
-Lots of anime, for one - the Sailor Uranus/Sailor Neptune romance in Sailor Moon was pretty important for me when I was coming to terms with