Savvy Veteran

You're right, but the ol' World-Famous Scottabot did in that move pull off some solid "if THIS [Callahan laughing hysterically at the death of a suffering old woman] is true, then what ELSE [he's obviously a deranged lunatic, and thus perhaps not actually a published author] is true?" It technically *does* negate

Not that it's happening in this thread, but I'm always a little surprised by the number of people in the Podmass comments who don't really care for (or downright hate) CDR/CBB in general, just its characters, or are just anti-Aukerman in particular. For me, the show has been consistently excellent since about early

Maybe I just feel a strange obligation…
…to exaggerate my love of this show, due to its tiny audience, but Delocated was really, truly great in the half-hour format, and somehow kept getting better as the season progressed. It seems weird to say, but I think it definitely resides in the top TV comedy-tier. I really

Just thinking about "Mouth Full of Sores" makes me giggle. On the commentaries, Bob seemed particularly amused/fascinated with Brian Wilson's weirdly simplistic lyrics (I think he references "Cool, Cool Water" and the one with directions to Brian's home, though I sadly don't have my DVDs at the moment to check), and

It's certainly been a little while since I saw LOUIS CK: HILARIOUS at Sundance, but as I recall, the child molesting joke was not actually in the film, but rather sort of an audience request—after the undeveloped bit was hinted at while answering a "have you ever censored yourself"-type question—during the

Have you ever killed a man?

I was certain it was going to be Planet Marklar, home of the Marklar. Imaginationland and the Big Gay Animal Sanctuary didn't even occur to me, but they would have been excellent endings too.

I got the…
Comedy equivalent of chills when Cartman asked to see Mr. Hat. He was definitely one of my favorite peripheral "characters" in the first few seasons, and I've missed seeing his puppety face.

Todd mentioned The TV Set,
and someone else brought up the second series of Extras, but tonight's Family Guy mostly reminded me of the great Larry Sanders episode "Pilots and Pens Lost," when Phil's pilot script about a grunge band gets completely overhauled by the network (and Dave Chappelle). In fact, the James

Not too bad.
I've never seen "Whale Wars" either, but I don't think that understanding the reference was really the point of the episode. I laughed a lot. A lot more than last week. Basically every single "Fuck you Whale" got me. No doubt there were tons of things wrong with it, but it was very satisfying, I thought.