
I was born and grew up there. I'm now going to feel free to hate on Outsourced and laugh at random "Right-Wing Surfer Cowboy Astronauts who are obsessed with Starbucks" who turn up in Indian movies trying to buy the Taj Mahal.

Abed is Palestinian I think, but Danny Pudi is half Indian. As an indian (real deal ohboy) I'm infuriated NBC ruined my perfect thursday nights. But then I think of all the American/Western stereotypes popular in Indian entertainment and I get confused.

All the best with your new job Amelie!!! I will now have to watch The Office carefully looking out for pop culture snark.. As with so many others The Hater was my gateway drug to AVClub. I dont know how I am going to cope withought my daily snark dose…. :_(

I was thinking of babies so I watched the trailer of 'Babies' on youtube and remembered why they are so much trouble. Then I came here… Thank you AVclub, a few less nerd babies in this world now.

wow. thats one unprecedentedcatastrophic icelandic munch.

Douglas Adams' made me want to be an astrophysicist .. ended up in biology but still it was a thought :)

I think pearl harbour happened a few decades earlier?

The kids spent christmas with Carla?