Playboy in the Woods

No one
thought Hot Tub Time Machine would "have it all"

FAS: Using your theory, kindly explain Ke$ha.

"Elite team of ass-kicking secret operatives who are sent in to extract CIA agents when a mission goes awry. "
Sounds like a gritty reboot of Dead Poets Society

Sounds like the only "fresh spin" is the magic chair.

Ted Bundy was a Husky (University of Washington)

They must have put the ugly ones in the back, but the second from the left: Hubba Hubba! (Did they say that in Chicago in 1960?)

The lovely Ms. Hathaway ad libbed that scene.

BS in Psychology! Take that Stupid Sexy Flanders!

@fastandsloppy: For someone who makes three dollar signs in salary, you sure are on the AV Club boards a lot.

Yeah. Stop playing.

@fastandsloppy: Are you Frank Farian, the famous "Milli Vanilli" producer?

When will
Val Kilmer's career be pardoned?

@chicago bullssss: Yeah Baby!

Maybe we should all be riled up about the forcing of a sea creature to engage in necrophilia!

Female Hippo = Cow
Female Whale = Cow
Female whale also called a SISSY.

It's working fine for me- you are probably too high. Also, stop playing.

Universal Studios: More Fruitier Loops then that Toucan Sam Bitch