Punk Wok

Sally:  "You grew up in the house from 'Beetlejuice?'"

Good thinking, Wu-Tang Clan.  New York totally wouldn't have made sense.  Devote your resources where it counts: Des Moines, Iowa.

Stick to starring in "The Americans," Braff!

Sure, plus it would be insightful to contrast the organization type with the image they're pushing — for instance, if a bunch of slick, hyper-corporate ad sharks from a massive firm came up with the idea for a commercial featuring ad writers as scrappy, scruffy boutique firm ne'er-do-wells.

If we do more of these, can you include the agency that created the ad?  Or is that like Inception-level advertising for advertising?

It's so cool they got James Franco to do the cover. He has his hands in everything these days.

If the guy who wrote this episode is the new showrunner, I'm happier than Merle looking at a painting of Aryan Jesus.

I want to see the episode where Merle discovers Jesus wasn't an Aryan.

Slurm!  It's Highly Addictive!

Good for Zach Braff! He's going to get into so many more hi jinx!

I really thought Merle was an alright guy until he tried to take a Capri Sun from a family he helped save.

"Earthbound."  I'm homesick for Threed.

Zach Braff is squabbling with his black colleague!  Dr. Kelso better break these two up!

If the writers need to convey that someone is a bad-ass, they should have that character shoot a zombie likes it's no big deal, even if the zombie is in their faces.

Zach Braff has really matured as an actor.

I hope the series finale is Glenn Beck waking up in bed and realizing it was all a dream.

This reminds me of a book/extended essay called "On Bullshit." The author is a Princeton professor who argues that the filler we mouth-fart — I might be paraphrasing — into the universe is more pernicious than telling lies, because at least we're conscious of the lies.

Oh, man, I loved that sketch where the one guy did a funny voice.

"Tiny Toons" introduced me to "They Might Be Giants."

I wonder if it will be enough to save Apple, as per this article: