
You know, I really thought the show was about mental illness. A young man's aggression etc. But, out of nowhere, it is now about women? You even told me to google it as if it was so obvious……I thought this was just a Tv show!

I am not sure this show gets Emmy consideration which baffles me why not. But, as long as we are going down the Emmy or Golden Globe road I think Freddy Highmore is completely eligible based on all the notes he has to play….and think about how a series is filmed…..so he has to remember and recreate it……..so yeah, i

well, I love the show. Norma and Norman and Dylan. I am not oblivious ;) Sorry, I just checked that. I was out oppressing.

Actually, I think you just said it all. With me, when life treats me unfairly, it is because I deserve it. With you, it is because you are a woman. Wow.

Well I treat women as equals. I am not treated as an equal in many ways…usually I think it is because I don't have the same amount of money as people in the game. I never think…."gosh it must be my gender."

Maybe they are just not doing what she wants? She is a small business owner in a town that is building a bypass. Why is it that you think it is because she is a woman?

Seriously? I am not sure if you like women so much that you think it is normal to assume that such delicate creatures could not do nasty things? Like blackmail? Best they stay home and look pretty?

"if this was a man///"\
she says
yes because if it were not a man I definitely wont take it seriously

I am a little bit stunned by this episode
Is that how women see the world, really?
I am so stunned I have no words

"Either she's insane or you are!'
Said by Dylan, towards Norman this is the best line of the show so far. Sadly, we know Norman is insane, but we also like him. Dylan is not just the audience,, but a young man who is privy to both his mom and his brother. He has some kind of weird vibe where he understands both.

think something is being lost in this story. Her son was murdered. If it was by a white gay man or a jet black man or a swarthy noodnik..
her son was still MURDERED. And we are judging her? Any other big boys
and moms want to tell em how they would feel when their kids got
murdered? We judge Barb? and if it was

There is a really alternate universe that apparently has not been considered. Libby, I will let you deal with it. There are instances where crimes are committed and the people charged are guilty. And, sometimes, the crimes are horrific and sometimes mundane. Are you saying that we should stop prosecuting crimes?

I agree. I know we are a long way from the beginning but the original plan of having a high octane group of various skills taking on powerful people's scandals was pretty fun to watch. I would like to get back to that rather than this abortion we have now which is trying to be Homeland, 24 and God know's what else all

Yes, because the most interesting moment was when her son told her she was "a woman of color" and Barb said "You mean black?" and he did not confirm or elaborate….but the way she said it suggested she was not shocked or against it as a starting point…which begs the question…what is her true source of pain? Because I

Oh I know….but what I meant was actual backstory flashbacks…a la LOST etc….where we see what someone went thru that made them who they are…..and I love the show but I want it to have more meat or it won't survive…..show us all the paths that led to the place where they are, etc…. not just telling, but showing…..maybe

I think your comment hits the nail on the head of what is missing from this show. We need some back stories to show where the attitudes come from….it would humanize the characters (and Barb needs some fast) but also to create a richness that the show is lacking so far.

I normally love the reviews on AV Club but this one was borderline nuts. Carter has lost the one person who can help him?? Are you serious? The toxicity of that relationship has landed him back in jail - after fleeing - and that will now go against him when had he just sat tight and followed some good advice the case

The B613 stuff just chokes the life out of me like Huck giving me a hug. When Quinn also said "murder is murder!" I kind of wondered why psycho Huck is still around. And the AG of the US just calmly sitting with known, confessed and proud torturers and murderers (Huck, Quinn, et al) and saying "We're the good guys" as

As I thought about it more, I think Kiil and my discussion should be the focus. what do you all think/ Do you know the problem with race relations? It's that we don't talk about it for fear we are going to be racist. We SHOULD talk about it

As I was going to the link, I had to stop myself and wonder what would have happened to me if I said here was a religion but blacks were not welcome. I am pretty sure it would not have been good to me. Yet, you just said, after serious inquiry by me, that whites are not welcome in the religion you are talking about.