Oliver North

You know what would have been shocking? If she did some John Cage shit like having an empty stage and no music for three-and-a-half minutes.

Right, but there was still an aesthetic associated with it for a time; it was the new "new wave," for lack of a better descriptor. But then, I distinctly remember hearing bands like Candlebox described as "alternative," and it stopped even referring to a vague aesthetic other than, "might be seen wearing a flannel

My take-away is that Corey Feldman is apparently 70 years old and/or a junkie.

This song really resonated with me as a 14-year-old. The icing on the cake was that my name is also Mike so it really, really moved me like nothing else. Suicidal were a goofy band, but Goddamn if they couldn't really, really speak to teenage alienation better than any other band! They were also one of the few punk

@avclub-b7784c3d4ede54a8f3e13b304f3a991a:disqus (I love your scree name, BTW): Corporations are not going to stop producing content that sells, and kids are not going to stop liking shiny, new things that are designed to be liked by kids. Like I said, kids grow up and get more discerning tastes. I liked the crap they

We don't get the Beach Boys, Beatles or Motown quality stuff in non-"teen" pop anymore either. And we haven't since before I was around. What can you do? One thing you can't do is try to force your kids to have good taste in music. Sure, my sister and brother-in-law play my niece a lot of good music and she likes a

Jack and Jill went up the hill and they…uhh…they…ummm………….They had intercourse! Oh!

Vlad the Impaler/He could've been a tailor/he could've been a whaler/he turned out to be Norman Mailer.

I want to there to be pro video gamers who strictly play MS Dos based games - Thexder, Wing Commander, The Bard's Tale, Wasteland, F19 Stealth Fighter. I coulda been a contender!

Worst Hatesong ever. I can't stand when adults engage in handwringing over the quality of teen pop music; hey guy, you're not in their target demo. Neither am I. But my 8-year-old niece is and she likes Bieber so it's fine by me. Those kids will grow up and get into better music. Or they'll get into shitty "adult

The best thing ever said about "alternative" was by silly 90s pop punk band, the Mr. T Experience. They had a song called "Alternative is Here to Stay," with the following lyrics: "Let's dance to an alternative song and alternate all night long." Once I read this, the idea of actually using the term "alternative"

I would argue that a better term for when over-quoting ruins the funny lines from a movie would be Austin Powers Syndrome. Or better yet, Princess Bride Syndrome. I kind of never want to see that movie again because of the number of times I've heard people recite the "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya" part and I

Rock n' roll is saved…for now.

Bottle kids!

They crossed the line this time; the shit line.

There are these tiny little details that he puts in that make it so cohesive and musical. The part right after Maseo does his area code shout-out on "Area" and there's that that little "huh? what?" sample? Brilliant. The little thing at the end of Patti Dooke when the dude says, "Tell me something - how come they

I actually prefer Beats, Rhymes & Life to the Love Movement. Nothing on the latter ever really stuck with me. Different strokes, I guess…

Great article. I totally disagree with the description of Buhloone Mindstate as "conventional" though. I think it is as far from conventional as you can get, especially in terms of Prince Paul's densely layered production. That album is criminally slept-on and people often mention it as an afterthought when talking

Remember back in the day when it was generally acknowledged by fanboys (and fanladies) that Marvel was cool and DC was lame, with the exception of Batman? Yeah, I stand behind my childhood prejudice on that.

Am I the only one who noted that Vedder's voice was nearly indistinguishable from Cher's when PJ first came out?