Oliver North

This, for me, seals the deal for David Yow being one of the best guys ever. And I like CSN. I even like one of Stills' solo albums. But he's absolutely right about this song; it's atrocious. He's also right about Eddie Vedder - and I like the way he expresses it. I have also heard that Eddie Vedder is a great guy, but

I don't mean in the "I'M TOUGH!!!! but i'm also sensitive" kind of way; I mean more in the rock n' roll / rhythm and blues tradition of screaming every so often.

I wish there were more bands doing this style of music with actual singing. I used to be cool with screamed vocals but now, at age 38, I no longer really have the palette for it. I still, however, like heavy music.

Loved this episode - it's when the show really shifted gears again for the first time since Worf joined the cast, (the two-parter with Worf, Garak, Bashir and Martok at the Dominion prison camp was kind of a warm-up for this.) And yes, that final shot of the Defiant joining the fleet was pretty epic.

Sad that he was so young; sad for all of us as I'm sure he would have continued his great career.

Yeah, I saw the last Sabbath reunion tour with Ozzy in '98 and they were hurting back then, (Bill Ward was probably the best of the four,) so I can only imagine that 15 years later and sans Ward, things have not improved very much. No thanks.

I saw this documentary on TV where a 14 year old boy was king of his country and tortured prostitutes and stuff, and that was may back in olden times.

In former Soviet Union, only pussy riot was line for tickets to Gorky Park concert. I love Glasnost!

You have disproved my point. Dexter is not enjoyable, does not have good actors in recurring roles and all of the advertising for Showtime's crappy shows is spectacular and makes me want to watch them all. Well played.

No, but he's a great actor to have doing a recurring role. I said the show, itself, was compelling and that it has great actors who do recurring roes, (Jimmy Smits notwithstanding.)

Calling things That _____ Show needs to have stopped right after That '70s Show debuted. It's really obnoxious.

Dexter is slick trash, but is still compelling and enjoyable and has some great actors who stay on for an arc or an entire season, (John Lithgow, Edward James Olmos, Peter Weller,) and Weeds is also trashy but well-written / acted. By and large, though, they don't have nearly as good an eye for content as HBO. But I

The posters they put up advertising this show when it first came out were so off-putting that I can never watch it. Showtime is really good at making advertising that says "If you are a human being, you probably won't like this show," even if it's a show you have already seen and do like, (i.e. Weeds,) or a show

I really like the Annie comparison. It's this big empty new agey fart of a song that people will call "empowering" because the lady who sings it is a lesbian and sounds really earnest. Ugh. I almost prefer Courtney Love's bland, indifferent-sounding crooning about dolls and shit to this. Good call, Dean Ween - I never

…or as I have always called it, "How General Martok got his Groove Back." This is one of my all-time favorite episodes and I love the Klingon war song as well. Great synopsis!

I thought it was very cool when QOTSA got radio airplay in the mid-2000s. I mean, how often has a good rock n' roll band been on radio in the past 25 years? It's like they used their sugary hooks as a trojan horse to smuggle well-crafted, smart rock songs into the commercial arena. Here's hoping they manage to do so

Mine was the Go Go's, particularly Jane Wiedlin. I was only like 8-9, but I knew that I liked watching their videos and it wasn't primarily for the music.

The self-titled QOTSA album is a flawless piece of heavy rock, the creative apex of the late 90s "stoner rock" scene. The final Kyuss album, And the Circus Leaves Town is also pretty great as it abandons some of the more tired 70s stoner tropes in which Kyuss liked to indulge in favor of some of the more sugary pop

Traces305 - Dimebag getting shot, while tragic and horrible and all was more a head-scratching moment than anything else. Someone assassinated the guitarist from fuckin' Pantera? Because why? I thought that I was having an LSD flashback when I heard about that.