Oliver North

In the piece on that song posted on AVClub last week, I referred to it as the 9/11 of rock music and I stand behind my offensive hyperbole, 100%. Never forget.

I'm pretty sure he's identified himself as asexual at one point or another in his career.

Yeah I definitely heard him talking about his love for Abba, but then again, all metalheads secretly like Abba, so that's not so shocking. But then, there's all the hip hop he's been sweating since the late 80s. There are a lot of metal dudes who think that way, but I think, whatever his faults, Scott Ian is as far as

Yes, and that goes double for Stone Temple Pilots. My hatesong is definitely "Plush."

Rye Manimal

Wouldn't it be asexual panic?

A Festival!!!

I don't see why they need to set it into rebooted universe. Couldn't it occur in the original universe, post-DS9? There could be some familiar faces that pop up here and there, (Chancellor Martok, perhaps.) It'd be nice, especially with fresh eyes and in the current anything goes media landscape.

Yeah, it was awful. The characters were insufferable, especially the Captain, (which is a shame because Kate Mulgrew is a good stress.) Robert Picardo's The Doctor was a pleasant exception though.

The Munsters. End of discussion.

I would just like to remind everyone that while tragedy plus time may equal comedy, butt rock plus time does not equal classic rock. It's important to remember that and to never forget that Stone Temple Pilots were the 9/11 of rock n' roll.

"Phanta" was also pretty fresh.

I agree 100%. 50-year-olds playing teenage hardcore punk is just as sad and awkward as 70-year-old Mick Jagger strutting around like he's still a sex symbol.

Smoke weed erryday, y'all!

These are good points. I realize my comment was a little simplistic and hyperbolic. Also, I'd imagine that there are contracts in place that lock HBO into working exclusively with the various cable providers.

Seriously, is being completely ignorant of changing technologies and their economic ramifications a prerequisite to running any kind of media company? Remember when Napster tried to make a deal with all the major labels, but they all said, "Nah, we're just going to sue this 'downloading' thing out of existence." How's

Some of the comments posted above remind of how bizarre I always thought it was that people would malign thrash/death/black metal bands by saying that the person doing the vocals "can't sing," as if the singers from these bands were trying to emulate Marvin Gaye or something, but somehow really, really missed the

The government should have censored The Swan and sent its creators to Gitmo. Real Talk.

Matt Pike rules and HOF is one of the best live bands out there, but I stand behind the first 5 Aerosmith albums. Nevertheless, this is funny and spot-on - the song fucking sucks.

Can someone please tell this "JP" and all other millennials that "making it" as a professionally musician was practically impossible back when people still bought music; now it's just preposterous.