
I thought the stark contrast between the two strengthened both the episodes in my mind. I can't stop thinking about both episodes.

I disagree, I thought it was one of the best episodes of the show. It was pretty much a perfect audience study of what makes the audience feel sympathy and whether that sympathy can be retracted through exposition. Which it wasn't.

Whilst the Episode itself was good, i felt like the whole starchy thing detracted a lot of the emotional stuff. Adventure Time is really "out there" with the way it delivers certain episodes, so i was a little disappointed of the whole "starchy vs. root beer guy" thing, they could have kept him dead and had the

Slowly but steadily this arc has been improving for me. At first i disliked it, but as the episodes went on it started to grow on me. I actually enjoyed this one.

Man, this show is getting A's from everyone recently.

Honestly, who's deciding what's "correct" to take entertainment from? Sports fanatics are just as fucking obnoxious as furries if they tried to be. Just because they're being loud and idiotic over something that's socially acceptable doesn't mean they're not being loud and idiotic.

Actually i don't think it is? Either he was taking a memory from his brother OR he actually was pretty weak although rough and tumble none-the-less, since the one flashback we got where he was around that same age he was still fairly achne'd etc.

Honestly, it's frustrating to see that. Because everyone complained about the show getting too "goofy" with it's concept episodes, yet when it dials back on that COMPLETELY it still gets criticized for being uninspired? I dunno man… i loved the concept episodes, that's why season 3 is my all time favorite season.

I've been a lurker for 3 years now. I just have to make a comment… these reviews are so god damn bad. I'm sorry, you seem like a good writer Joshua Alston, but it seems like you have absolutely NO passion for this show. Why not ask for a different show to write for? One you actually… care to write for?