
A superb episode of TV, even if Jake's re-confession to Santiago at the end of the episode reeked of romantic comedy cliche.
My favorite exchange of the entire episode, hands down:
HOLT: Feel free to consult the script I prepared.
TERRY: Okay, but it's a little stilted. "I am feeling trepidation at the prospect of a

But Vanessa Marano played her, which makes it kind of an alternate universe SaB or something, where Kathryn & John decided they wanted Daphne and sent Bay packing to live with Angelo, who actually took responsibility and…

There seems to have been a significant time lapse between last season's finale and this episode — definitely more than just a summer. Did you notice how Nora was painting a wall unsupervised, and was at least up to Jabbar's shoulder?

Actually, this is the first time since at least season 3 that I wasn't actively annoyed at Max. His reaction was comparatively low-key, no tantrums, just doggedly insisting that he wasn't going to go to the school until Adam re-framed the issue in such a way that Max caved. It was well-written, and completely

I knew that the "Mom" reviews would probably stop once Todd left, but it's still disappointing now that it's official.

Stanley's single-sentence defense is actually pretty legit, and unfortunately one that happens a lot.

Just put all of the U.S. Senators and Congressmen on the island, and then "forget" about them. I would TOTALLY watch that!

In other news, TV critics continue to have delusions that their opinions carry any weight whatsoever.

Waitasecond - is Sam actually implying that fantasy football is fun?! You might as well call Fox News unbiased!

I tried to watch this on Netflix once, but had to turn it off. Not because of Williams: the songs just flat-out sucked. I lasted through two before I decided enough was enough.

I would be seriously surprised if you are all that wrong. (Also, the term is "realist.")

Yeah, based on the pilot, A to Z has no chances whatsoever. Shame, really - Cristin Miliotti deserves the recognition.

Pleasantly surprised that Allison Janney beat out her cable rivals. Her win ought to boost Mom's numbers next season.

Just now seeing this… But no, I'm not Lizzy Weiss, just a poor, early-20s college student.

Add Marcia Gay Harden into the mix, and you got me SOLD.

It was banter, all right, but it sounded more familial than intimate. It was banter typical of teen- and college-age siblings, the type often exchanged by Jesus and Mariana - heck, I vividly remember back-and-forths with my younger brother and sister (ages 16 & 20, respectively) that were eerily similar, even

Then don't suspend it - just approach the show/episode from the point of view of the characters. If the writers know their stuff, 90% of all minor actions (and 99.9% of all major ones) will be rooted in character. When Crosby tells Adam to be less like himself for their meeting with Dr. Dre (Parenthood season 3,

I dunno - they've seemed a lot like siblings for awhile now, ever since the botched house party ("God, when did you become so anal?" "When did you become such an ass?", plus the entire conversation preceding it). Heck, even Wyatt noticed it.

Yeah, that scene interested me a heck of a lot more than anything else in the finale other than the Ana storyline.

Unless, of course, they anticipated that and turned them off.