
So wait, the American army "rapes and kills" Australians, Canadians, Brits, Indonesians, Indians, Swiss, and Danes (among others)? When did this happen?

Another mark against Pushing Daisies is the cost of the stars - Kristen Chenoweth and Lee Pace in and of themselves must be incredibly expensive these days - and that's not taking Anna Friel and Chi McBride into account, in addition to all the recurring characters and guest stars.
Enlisted's biggest name (and

Honestly, SAB felt more focused this week - and it actually mentioned the switch, and the impact it continues to have on the characters, which is something it doesn't do anywhere near as often as it should.
Also, that was one hell of a closing scene. Well done to Sean Berdy & Marlee Matlin! Why these two don't have

Just thought of something: is it me, or is ABC Family becoming the "long-lost-[fill in the blank]" network? Melissa & Joey and The Fosters now have one dad/daughter pair each who just discovered each other's existence; Chasing Life has a newly-discovered possible teen sister; Baby Daddy has Riley finding out that her

Come to think of it, no, he hasn't been mentioned at all, which is weird since he's living with Emmett and all.

The Fosters' family dinners and the way the siblings interact is probably the most enjoyable thing on TV right now, other than the interactions between Joey and Faith Prince's weird Italian/Jewish mother hybrid character over on Melissa & Joey. Especially Jesus and Mariana, who are a veritable gold mine. The dynamic

I was once again reminded why Maia Mitchell may be the best teen actress on TV right now - her work on those first couple of scenes was astounding. She really sold Callie's heartbreak behind the strong facade she has to put up for Jude. Speaking of Jude, this episode really gave Hayden Byerly something to work with.

Not sad at all. (However, I may be slightly biased: I still hold a grudge over the way Community stole last year's renewal slot - a slot that rightfully belonged to Go On, a show that was (a) funnier and (b) a heckuva lot more interesting than Community's Season 4. (Also, it had a lead character that was a LOT more

Seriously? I really need to remember how often actors play younger…

I'm surprised that Kristina hasn't overreacted to the Joel/Julia separation by getting paranoid about hers & Adam's relationship. It would totally be a Kristina thing to do.

I still feel sorry for Tank, though. The guy depledged from his fraternity, which isn't going to make him any more popular at practice, all to please Bay… who is about to dump him. And he still has to be partners with her in art class. (On a related note, HOT DAMN Vanessa Marano.)

As someone who grew up with Asperger's, I have to echo Sarah on the Max issue. He gets away with far, far too much crap. It's dangerous to use Asperger's as the go-to excuse, because it sends the wrong message during childhood that is hard to correct as the kid gets older, as Adam & Kristina are finding out. In fact,

You're completely forgetting Parenthood, no?

I still hold a grudge against Community for stealing Go On's renewal spot last year, so Mad Men wins by default.

I'm absolutely saddened to be from a state that loves Jay-Z. What happened to artists who could do something besides mumble or scream a song? They're out there - Brian Stokes Mitchell has a GORGEOUS baritone - but too often they're either shoved into songs that do their voice no favors, or a producer feels the

I seriously thought when George sat Lisa down, it'd be to have a conversation about her parents or something - because as funny as the Shays are, I'm pretty sure it qualifies as child abuse, emotionally.

Is it me, or has Angelo never even made an effort to learn to sign? Speaks loads about their relationship.

This was indeed a very well-paced and - most importantly - funny episode. Cody's video was absolutely hilarious!

I think Bay's losing movement in her hand could be good for the character. If they go that route, Bay will have to come to terms with the fact that her life is irrevocably changed. Given her stronger relationship with Daphne now, if she tries the self-destructive thing, she'll have a girl her age that she trusts and