Mitch Connors

Ditto on Kate Beaton, Jorge. And that's one of my favorites by her.

Haha, Lupin, the DVDA version of "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" eclipses the already fantastic movie version.

Agreed, Miller. It has a very strong first hour, but once it deviates from the books (which is understandable, as the series was far from over when they were developing the screenplay), it gets a little too action movie-y, and really botches the emotional reality of the Scott/Ramona romance. They go straight from

Scorcese sort of pioneered the use of pre-existing pop music as a soundtrack (as opposed to original instrumental compositions), so yeah, he should get a lot of credit. Goodfellas is a great soundtrack.

Both Parker/Stone soundtracks are of equal brilliance. Satan's song… man, oh man. A great tune in and of itself, while also sending up the early 90s Disney musical songs.


Ditto on Metric. Black sheep, come on, indeed!

I was actually listening to "King of New York" last night. I worked briefly for Bill Pullman last year, doing assistant work, and I totally have that song on my mp3 player because I occasionally like to remind myself I used to work for a well-known film actor.

Gattaca/American Splendor
I love Gattaca, but I think I love the soundtrack even more. It's some of my favorite piano music.

You can always come in my back door.

What job are you getting laid off from, idiotking? My sympathies, dude. I'm just coming off a two-year stretch of unemployment/shitty jobs myself. Best of luck!

Go God Go is one my favorite South Park episodes ever. Those fucking sea otters… genius.

Speaking of kike jokes in Season 14, I want to see the Human Kite fight Mecha-Streisand.

Just by mentioning Quaid and West in the same sentence, the Hollywood Star Whackers have issued a death warrant for Kanye.

Batman & Robin 16 was the most satisfying conclusion to a major storyline I've experienced in a while, whether it be a comic book or serial TV show.

The Kick Ass 2 cover makes the Kiss Ass 1 cover look like sh!t.

If Kick-Ass (the comic or the movie) had focused on Big Daddy and Hit Girl, it would have been a much better story. But having a sneering, offensive-to-nerds dork protagonist is its fatal flaw. Dorks masturbate because girls don't like them, lol, but what if they became superheroes?! Suck my dick, Mark Millar.

As a kid, it was probably a Batman comic based off the Animated Series. As an adult, when I got into comic book collecting in a big way, it was Buffy Season Eight #1 that started the ball rolling. So, I suppose TV was my gateway to the medium.

Well put, Fixda.

And get his Nintendo Wii.