Let's take over the South Park reviews, Subway Justice.
Let's take over the South Park reviews, Subway Justice.
I hated Manbearpig for a while, but it's since become one of my favorite episodes. Actually seeing the Manbearpig in Imaginationland was awesome, and increased my appreciation further.
It's hard to pinpoint their Golden Years, because I don't think there's been much of a decline in quality. For me, Seasons 4 and 5 marked a shift towards it becoming the show it is now known for. We saw the immediate reactions and echoes of current events (Elian Gonazelz, the 2000 election), and their special blend…
The peak into Kenny's inner life does a lot to bump this episode up for me from fun craziness to stone cold classic.
We also found out Kenny's mom washes dishes at the Olive Garden.
Yeah, I found this scene touching. Great character moment in a show that rarely has them, but when they do, they're great.
I don't think people are solely reacting to the AV Club not giving South Park A+++'s, nor is it knee-jerk fanboys complaining about the reviews. I've been following their reviews of South Park since the TV coverage started, and there have been a lot of episodes I and other fans have enjoyed and appreciated that…
O'Neal writes better coverage than Modell. I'd like him to continue covering the show, and for letter grades to be banished (at least for this show).
John89, we know you're Todd Vanderwolf. You don't have to hide. Just give this episode an A+ already.
You just said a Ga'hoole-ful.
Also, owls.
The worst part of Conan's tenure on the Tonight Show was when he was accused of being racist towards black owels.
It turns out the Event is actually the Hollywood Star Whackers's insidious plans coming to fruition.
I'm hoping this contributes to her over-exposure, at which point, everyone will lose interest. Seriously, if we can get Chelsea Handler off the pop-culture radar by 2012, that's good enough for me. She will then serve a term of no less than 10 years but not exceeding 12 as a talking head for VH1 snark specials.
It'll be worth it if Vince Neil gets sodomized on live television.
Erma Bombeck sounds like a real-life Peggy Hill (author of popular newspaper advertisement "Musings")
Chareth Sedaris is the cute one.
Oh, whoops. I get the Sedaris sisters confused sometimes. Lisa's the only normalish one in the whole Sedaris clan.