"The Coon" had nods to both "Watchmen" and "The Dark Knight."
"The Coon" had nods to both "Watchmen" and "The Dark Knight."
Haha, I am glad the annoying fanboy speculation of JGL-as-Riddler was finally shot down.
*we've got
Professor Pyg!
Live Free or Hurt Locker
But Ron Perlman with a midget sidekick! That's gotta be worth like… a few points or stars of whatever.
I thought it was funny how they insinuated Weirdo Beardo character was a child molester, and then they had him handling a baby.
It's the Jean Luc that will captain the Enterprise several centuries from now, and defeat the Borg.
I feel like Sean O'Neal is using his knowledge of Goddard's overe and reputation to gently tease him, and point out how ridiculous and pointless the honorary Oscar is. Goddard don't need a paperweight to know what he's done to contribute to the medium of film.
King Gorilla is… was… one of my favorite characters. While I'm sad to see him go, he got two very good scenes this season after not appearing in an episode since 2006. They have so many characters to juggle that I'd rather see the bit players get a good sendoff than appear sporadically over the life of the show.
They also share a collaborator in Ben Edlund. And are wise enough to cast Nathan Fillion as a singing superhero.
Joss Whedon is awesome. Have you ever seen Dr. Horrible? Whedon and Doc & Jackson have similar mindsets.
If this is harkening back to his Andy Richter days…
I hope we see someone in a puppysuit.
"Hi, Stan Lee here. I haven't created anything relevant since the early '70s, and even then, I was taking credit for the work of true legends like Jack Kirby and Steve Dikto. Why won't I die already?"
I am a theory that both "Corpse Bride" and "Alice in Wonderland" were commissioned by Hot Topic, and the sale of related merchandise is the only thing keeping that chain alive during these uncertain financial times.
Ripping on the universally loved-by-nerds "Ghostbusters,"
Harmony, Darla, and Druscilla would have been more apt sarcastic suggestions, Bender.
I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
It definitely reminded me of them, given the morose appearance, floating, lack of speech, and heart stealing. I don't think it was an explicit reference.