
Hells yeah I'm cool with this. I will take Russell over Costner any day. This movie cannot come out soon enough.

See also: a great clip online of Cross being interviewed by Nardwuar. At one point Cross is surprised Nardwuar knows a certain piece of info and legitimately wants to know where he heard it. Nardwuar keeps fucking with Cross, REFUSING to give him the slightest sliver of a straight answer. In other words, pretty much

Nail on the head, Flip-Flops. The exact comment was "I read the script for Alvin & the Chipmunks and threw it against the wall. I guess David Cross caught it." Cross got a little butthurt over that…but then Patton mentioned that Cross had told him literally the exact same joke when Patton mentioned taking a role in

As great as the Raiders parody sequence is here, I gotta say the first few minutes of UHF is the single greatest Raiders parody ever, if only for the way Al just up and grabs the Oscar, and then the ball chases him to scenic locales all over the world.

Even when I was a pre-pubescent kid who had no idea what sex was, I still laughed my ass off at the ludicrous way Fuzzy Bunny walked. That's what was so great about classic Simpsons - even in their smallest details there was something for everyone.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH they're defending themselves somehow!

I'm sorry, but I have to say it…

Guns aren't harmful unless used for their intended purpose. Can I please move to England?

Heh heh heh, right in the butt.