
I'm glad to see the LGR (lazy game review[er]) get a little recognition. He's got a great voice for VO and covers obscure pieces of gaming, especially pc, gaming. Please watch some of his other uploads!

Like a lot of people have mentioned, I have a strong leaning towards waiting till this is on pS Plus and hopefully that will be right around the time I finish Bloodborne, but reading articles about the development of this game and the toll it has taken on Happ's professional and personal life (Game Informer has a nice

At first I thought it was two bluetooth headsets. Thought that was pretty cool.


Or don't be an overly-sensitive douche and just use he/she/him/her. In the grand scheme of things and all the real problems we face in the world this is a pretty pathetic thing to worry over.

Have you seen his sex tape? Its all in there…


In Macklemore's defense, he probably has know idea who Fagin is.

As someone who works with teenagers, I have to say I have a number of cultural dealbreakers. When you see adults doing the same stupid shit as kids its really hard to get past that. For me, saying "I don't read" is up there but a close second is people who wear headphones and belt out whatever song it is they are

Ugh…why cant the government control breeding.

The "tripods" in the Tom Cruise War of the Worlds did it first.

Not getting it…
Palahniuk's books usually grab me. Even the ones I didn't like do. But this one I stopped reading out of boredom about 30 pages in. My cut off for this type of thing is usually 100 pages, but for this slim novel 30 seemed good.

I hated Hollywood Video with vehemence. Not sure if they are all like this but our convenient location did not alphabetize their movies. It was impossible to find anything. Before looking you had to ask a surly clerk if what you wanted was actually in before searching. They are actually a big reason I went to

I like H. Jon Benjamin and like the idea of him having his own show. He is great on Archer and Demetri Martin

You are all so cool
for not liking a popular TV show. It really shows your ironic sensibilities that you do not enjoy something popular yet rad stories about and spend time posting ironic comments about it. Bravo!

Sounds like a Comcast DVR to me. I have one myself. It too frequently cuts off the final minute or so of shows. It recently stopped indiscriminately recording every episode of a show on a season pass.

its actually…
not that bad. I only shat a small amount as I watched it. That is how I gauge crap. Ho much exits me as I partake.

Ecstatic about this one…
I can't wait until he dislocates his shoulder and then pops it back in. Hopefully it will be in slow motion this time. I just cannot get enough of that. Wish he had a mullet though.

Dont confuse liza with Ted McGinley dammit!