
Way to suck the fun out of it AVClub

I feel like an idiot for not realizing that until now!

Haha, what?! They didn't recast Ivy, her character mutated into a grown woman. A tall, redheaded woman who looks nothing like Alice from this episode. I could see someone getting Alice and young Ivy confused but only if you're not paying close attention.

Review is amazing, too.

That's next week

Insert music pun here

Welp, only one person on this list dies, and it's the guy you say is definitely going to live…

I fucking haaaatttteee Fish Mooney. Please turn her into meat dust asap!

I think that is what she was going for but failed miserably. Fish is one of the most ridiculous characters on TV.

You've talked to her in person?

I am Jack's crippling insecurity

I never thought this show would do a 420 holiday episode. Love it!

That sounds like Charlie work.

I know! At least they still have Ilana's roommate, Jaime.

Well said. Although he seemed pretty dialed into the gay scene when he added "oiling up beefcakes" as a Mac Day activity. Which isn't as overt as his actions in this episode. I suppose it has been more of a gradual chipping away at Macs facade than suddenly crossing a line.

If by that other show you mean "Cassius and Clay" it just got canceled by FX, unfortunately.

Yeah sorry that's what I meant. But it's still only half of the list. We can hope!

Apple Music says the Santigold album is expected Feb 26, not Jan 22. Who is right?

The FX website doesn't say anything about it. If it was going to start in January it would be this Wednesday, paired with It's Always Sunny like in years past. So Im guessing Archer won't premiere until Sunny ends.

Ummm… this was the best of 2015 part 1. So… this is only half of the list. Part 2 is yet to come.