Craig Thompson

1. Really, you are puzzled by this? Arlene came into 2 million dollars so it is reasonable to suppose that she bought the bar from Sam. Sam probably wanted to do something nice for Arlene and perhaps move into a more respectable role since he will be a daddy and all. In prior seasons, the one about his brother, it was

I preferred this season to last years. The Efrit subplot felt like total series filler and the authority storyline had some interesting elements but it drug on toward tedium. But S5 did do a better job in explaining powerful vampire's imprisonment (like Russell E.) such as keeping them weak with silver infusions, etc.

Really? Was this episode really any more "strange and incomprehensible" than Bill melting into a pile of goo and then re-emerging as vamp god Billith? Or Sam turning into some kind of giant ox and goring a renegade Maenad (Sp?) Or werepanthers kidnapping Jason or any other season cliff hanger? [AND OMG, virus infected