Shurlock Ventriloquist

Shroedinger's Hound

Good call. That may be the root of my bias here as well.

It was never a contest. It was an attempt to get people to realize that some people do not like responsibilities, would rather not have them, do not feel empowered by them. and would rather give it all up to have the lack of responsibility bestowed by of youth their entire lives.

Its not about being on 'your own dime' as much as its about being besieged with more responsibility than one wants or can handle.

Bon mot!

Now when has been buried in it 24/7.

It was his brain and they acted as more of a Greek Chorus commenting on his actions rather than guiding and/or controlling them.

Herman's Head was not the original foray into this realm, itself.

Responsibility sucks and it was a lot more fun to be 13 than it is to be 73.

Have you actually seen Herman's Head? Last I checked, Herman was an adult male, not a young female undergoing an identity crisis.

Sending the ship across the Narrow Sea prevents people in KL from finding out what happened and ties into the Dornish master plan of backing the Targs and bringing them back into power.

I think that's the right call, going to Essos, so that Jaime can reunite with Tyrion as well.

Someone is going to need a teleportation machine for that epilogue to work in this show time frame.

She bit Bronn, and may have poisoned him.

She bit Bronn, and may have poisoned him.

I think the show has declined this year, and the writing has been significantly weaker. Too much immediacy in the scripts to resolve complicated story arcs, too much oversimplification compared to previous years, especially season 1-3.

I think the boat is manned by Martel people and now Jamie & Bronn might be captives. Doubtful the boat was ever going to King's Landing.

Monica's vote can be made irrelevant in certain quorum situations.

Your stance is on record. I was soliciting other takes from commenters.

I actually watch in reverse order because after Thrones my mind cannot just jump into that other world so quickly as a two minute station break allows.