Shurlock Ventriloquist

She bit his ear.

And perhaps Bronn got dosed on the ear.

I like the reading/commenting even more than the show watching. More long lasting, more satisfying.

Plus, he may have caught a cold being dressed like that.


Anyone else enjoy the post-coitus commentary more than the show itself?

Dropping/forgetting of built-up narratives is really bad form and is one of the things that makes the show feel more like viewer manipulation than a sincere form story telling.

Or so we have been led to believe.

And somewhere, Gendry is still rowing.

I stopped watching TV 20 years ago…. GOT brought me back… but now I am headed back to staying away from it again …

Hahahaha. +1 for your snark.

You might see. I will not.

I'm an old dude and I've had enough.


Story continuity is so last century.

Why did she not use Maester Aemon Targaryan's blood? How did she not sense his lineage?

It's a bit of a short marathon.

Now that you brought it up (via The Shining), King does have more than his share of "Magic Negro" appearances peppered in stories throughout his long and hackey career.

Seriously bad writing.

Littlefinger is referring to Tommen (in his conversation with Olenna) who now has no one to guide him.