Shurlock Ventriloquist

Had not been watching this season. Tuned in to that ep based on this post.

April May June.

I am not suffering and never made the claim that I was.

Compassion and empathy are strengths, period.

Still, overpopulation is a myth.

Hire better writers for your next attempt at posting.

Stanhope is a libertarian misanthrope.


Overpopulation is a myth. The population can only grow as large as a food supply will allow.

I don't think it is the kings and dragons and their stories that are at issues here and I'm not sure its accurate to say holding multiple and possibly conflicting perspectives on a single issue is mental unbalance.

Not really.

Well stated and there are some people around now who will keep going and next thing we know another 20 trips around the sun and they will work their way into our sub-conscious too.

I was in that category, the "this isn't real" group but when so many people speak out I always take time to consider. Now I'm not sure which side if the fence I wish to reside and in the meantime my crotch is hung up on the divide.


Perhaps because it reminds us that we all have our own finale coming up for ourselves sooner than we wish.


This is true but is really not the point.

Some people have more compassion and empathy than others.

Not sure why you think pussy is something bad?

I 've actually read the books. More than once. Some parts were rather good, others rather laborious.